Diferente pentru utilizator/nod_software intre reviziile #158 si #157

Nu exista diferente intre titluri.

Diferente intre continut:

h2. Despre mine
Ma numesc Budisteanu Ionut Alexandru, am 19, anul I la Facultatea de Matematica Informatica. Sunt pasionat de programare si electronica dar nu de algoritmica. Am fost prezent la decernarea premiului Turing din 2010 in San Francisco si am fost si premiat, sunt membru al Association for Computing Machinery, IEEE si al Clubului de Excelenta al Fundatiei Dan Voiculescu pentru Dezvoltarea Romaniei.
    ACM din 2010
    IEEE din 2012
'CV complet':http://budisteanu.net/who-is-alexandru/
Nascut pe 1.12.1993
Am fost invitat la 'Emisiunea Profesionistii cu doamna Eugenia Voda':http://www.eugeniavoda.ro/ro/emisiuni/diverse/ionut-budisteanu
Am scris peste ~ 750 de mii de linii de cod orientat pe obiecte(OOP)
h2. Distinctii primite
h3. Clasa a XII-a (2012-2013)
{*Grand award Gordon E. Moore $75,000 at Intel International Science and Engineering Fair- Phoenix, USA*}
{*Grand award at International Sustainable World(Engineering, Environment) Project Olympiad, - Houston, USA*}
{*1st place from Association for Computing Machinery(ACM), Phoenix, Arizona, USA*}
{*Award from European Organization for Nuclear Research – invited to attend CERN, Intel ISEF, Phoenix, USA*}
{*Grand award and 1st place in the category of computer science at Intel ISEF Phoenix, USA*}
{*Energy Day Academic award at I-SWEEEP Olympiad, Houston, USA*}
{*2nd place at International Intel ECO-Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine*}
{*4th place at Taiwan International Science Fair 2013– Taipei, Taiwan*}
*Trophy and Award of Excellence - Intel Romania
*Excellence Award -  Romanian Parliament, the Senate Committee on Education, Science, Youth and Sport
*Excellence Award -  Ministry of National Education, Government of Romania
*Excellence Award - Ministry of National Education, Intel Education Romania
*Distiction “Ramnicul meu”, Mayor of the municipality Rm. Valcea
*Honorary diploma,  Valcea County Council
*1st place at the Romanian national selection for the international computer science contest Infomatrix, Bucharest
*Qualified to International ICT Olympiad, Ankara, Turkey – couldn’t participate
h3. Clasa a XI-a (2011-2012)
h5. Concursuri interjudetene/natioanale/internationale
{*Locul I din partea asociatiei  IEEE Computer Society, Pittsburgh*}
{*IEEE Foundation President's Scholarship  - bursa 40.000 USD $ bursa de studiu pentru orice facultate din SUA, Pittsburgh*}
{*China Association for Science and Technology - outstanding award, Pittsburgh*}
{*Medalie de argint la International Sustainable World (Engineering, Energy  Environment) Project Olympiad Houston, Texas*}
{*Premiul si medalie onorifica din partea universitati Yale - Yale Science & Engineering Association*}
{*Statement of Accomplishment for Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in top 15 with score 93.1 - in partnership with Stanford Engineering*}
{*3rd place at Taiwan International Science Fair - Taipei*}
{*Locul I, aur la International Environmental Project Olympiad - INEPO Euro-Asia - Azerbaijan*}
{*Marele Premiu la International Environment and Sustainability Olympiad Utrecht, Holland*}
{*Calificat la International ICT Olympiad, Ankara*}
*Certificate of Accomplishment - CS373 Programming a Robotic Car, Prof. Sebastian Thrun, Stanford, Udacity
*Locul I Concursul National pentru Elevi "Tehnium" - Sectiunea Tehnica
*Premiu special de la Salonul International de Inventica - Autoritatea Nationala de Cercetare Stiintifica
*Marele premiu din partea Asociateti Romane pentru Transfer Tehnologic ARoTT - Salonul International de Inventica
*Marele premiu la salonul national de inventica pentru Tineret Inventika
*Premiul I - salonul national de inventica pentru Tineret Invetika
*Premiul de excelenta din partea Fundatiei Dan Voiculescu - salonul national de inventica pentru Tineret Invetika
*Locul I "Salonul National de Creatie si Inventica pentru Tineret 2011" - sectiunea IT, Gaudeamus
*Premiu pentru Gala "Campioni romani de afaceri" - EuroLink
*Premiul de popularitate "SIVECO" Conferinta Nationala de Invatamant Virtual, CNIV 2011, Targu Mures,
*Premiu din partea Fundatiei Artoprod
*Mentiune la "Festivalul international de Matematica si Informatica" Piatra Neamt - sectiunea Soft Utilitar
*Marele premiu Gala Olimpicilor Valcea
*Locul I la Concursul National RoSEF(Romanian Science And Engineering Fair), Suceava
*Locul II Concursul National InfoEducatie 2012, software educational
*Locul II Concursul National InfoEducatie 2012, software utilitar
h3. Clasa a X-a (2010-2011)
h5. Concursuri interjudetene/natioanale/internationale
{*Locul 4th place grand awards Intel ISEF 2011 - computer science Los Angeles*}
{*Award of the 2010 Google Technology Trailblazer Award for Romania - diploma onorifica Zurich, Elvetia*}
{*Locul I International ICT Olympiad, Ankara*}
{*Medalie de aur la Proyecto Multimedia, Guadalajara, Mexic, Marele premiu, super aur*}
{*Premiu la Expo Sciences International - global youth science fair - Bratislava Slovakia*}
*Locul I la Concursul national de informatica aplicata OpenIT Editia 2
*Locul I la ITFest - org. de SISC - ASE
*Premiu special - bursa exceptionala pe perioada anului I la Facultatatea de Inginerie Electrica si Stiinta Calculatoarelor, Universitatea "Stefan cel Mare" SV la OpenIT
*Locul I la Concursul National de Soft "Grigore Moisil" - sectiunea Soft Utilitar
*Locul I la Concursul National de Soft "Grigore Moisil" - sectiunea Soft Educational
*Diploma de Excelenta din partea Rotary Club
*Premiul de popularitate "SIVECO" Conferinta Nationala de Invatamant Virtual, CNIV 2011, Targu Mures,
*Diploma de Merit din partea Primarii Municipiului Ramnicului Valcea
*Medalie de bronz ONI
*Locul I si Premiu Special la Concursul RoTopCoder 2011
*Locul III  la Concursul National de Soft "Grigore Moisil" - sectiunea Soft Utilitar
*Mentiune la "Salonul National de Creatie si Inventica pentru Tineret 2010" - IT , Gaudeamus
*Locul II la Concursul interjudetean de programare Stefan Odobleja
*Locul I la "Festivalul international de Matematica si Informatica" Piatra Neamt - sectiunea Soft Utilitar
*Locul II la concursul National "Marin Sorescu" sectiunea Soft Educational
*Locul I la concursul studentesc de proiecte din domeniul Stiintei si Ingineriei Calculatoarelor "Hardware & Software engineering 2011"
*Premiul de excelenta Concursul National de Stiinta si Inginerie "INVENTICA"
*Intel Excellence in Computer Science Award  for outstanding achivement at the Inventica
*Mentiune la Concursul national de software InfoEducatie - soft utilitar,
*Mentiune la Concursul national de software InfoEducatie - soft educational
*Premiul I la concursul national GREPIT IV  - sectiunea Soft (participand la Liceu) Editia a VI-a
*Trofeul "Vasile Pogor" la simpozionul international Simpozionul international "Universul Stiintelor" sect. stiinte exacte
h3. Clasa a IX-a (2009-2010)
h5. Concursuri interjudetene/natioanale/internationale
{*Locul IV la concursul international "Intel ISEF" 2010 - San Jose, USA sectiunea computer science.*}
{*Locul I din partea Association for Computing Machinery la concursul Intel ISEF - San Francisco, USA*}
{*Locul I la International Computer Projects Competition InfoMatrix - sectiunea programming - Softul NeurosLab - aur absolut.*}
{*Calificat la International Young Inventors Project Olympiad(IYIPO), Georgia - neputand participa*}
*Premiul I la concursul national GREPIT IV  - sectiunea Soft (participand la Liceu) Editia a IV-a 2009
*Premiul de creativitate "SIVECO" - Conferinta Nationala de Invatamant Virtual, organizat Facultatea Gheorghe Asachi
*Premiul I la "Salonul National de Creatie si Inventica pentru Tineret 2009" - sectiunea Tehnologia Informatiei(IT)
*Diploma de Merit din partea Primarii Municipiului Ramnicului Valcea
*Premiul I la "Festivalul International de matematica si informatica 2010"  - sectiunea Software Utilitar si Pagini web.
*Premiul de excelenta Fundatia Dan Voiculescu - pentru dezvoltarea Romaniei
*Premiul III la concursul Interjudetean "InfoOltenia", - proba individual Editia a XII-a
*Premiul III la concursul Interjudetean "InfoOltenia", - proba echipaj, Editia a XII-a
*Premiul II, III, M1, M2 la Festivalul National de IT, ITFest- UVT - sect Software
*Premiul I la concursul Interjudetean "Linfo@SV"  - sectiunea Soft Utilitar - Softul prezentat NeurosLab
*Calificare la .Campion(finala, 2010)
*Mentiunea a II-a la Olimpiada Nationala de Informatica - medalie de argint(la 1 punct de aur)
*Locul I la concursul National "Marin Sorescu" sectiunea Soft Educational
*Locul I la concursul studentesc de proiecte din domeniul Stiintei si Ingineriei Calculatoarelor "Hardware & Software engineering 2010"
*Locul I la concursul National de Informatica Aplicata "explorIT"
*Diploma de excelenta pentru activitatea de inventica de catre Autoritatea nationala pentru Cercetare Stiintifica MECTS
*Marele premiu la Concursul interjudetean de creativitate stiintifica si tehnica "Inventica"
*Locul I la concursul national InfoEducatie - sectiunea Software Utilitar
*Locul III la concursul national InfoEducatie - sectiunea Software Educational
*Trofeul de excelenta pt lucararea "NeurosLab" la Simpozionul international "Universul Stiintelor" sect. stiinte exacte
*Premiul I pt lucararea "Thief recognition" la Simpozionul international "Universul Stiintelor" sect. stiinte exacte
*Locul II la Festivalului de Tehnologii Informatice GREPIT V 2010
h3. Clasa a VIII-a (2008-2009)
h5. Concursuri interjudetene/natioanale/internationale
*Calificare in lotul national de informatica - restrans
*Mentiune la Olimpiada Nationala de Informatica, locul 9
*Premiul I la concursul national GREPIT III - sectiunea Soft Utilitar (participand la Liceu) Editia a III-a
*Premiul I la concursul international "Pro_Soft@NT" - sectiunea Soft Utilitar si Pagini Web (participand la Liceu)
*Premiul I la concursul national BitGeek - sectiunea Soft(participand la Liceu).
*Mentiune la concursul interjudetean "Info Oltenia"(participand, la cls. a IX-a), Editia a XI-a
*Locul I la Festivalul national de IT, ITFest Timisoara 2009(participand si cu studenti) - Proiectul Romanian PC-Cillin 1.5
*Locul III la Festivalul national de IT, ITFest Timisoara 2009(participand si cu studenti)
*Locul III la "Concursul National de Informatica" - etapa nationala, Satu Mare
*Locul I la concursul national "LINFO@SV" - sectiunea Soft Utilitar (participand la Liceu) Editia VII-a
*Premiu Special din partea Colegiului National de Informantica "Spiru Haret" Suceava, pentru lucrarea "Grafus" - sectiunea Soft Educational, la Concursul national de Creativitate Software - LINFO@SV (participand la Liceu) Editia VII-a
*Calificare la .campion(finala, 2009, eu fiind in clasa a VIII-a, participand la grupa Small)
*Locul II la faza nationala, la concursul "InfoEducatie 2009" - Soft Educational, lucrarea "LearnGraphs 3.0"
*Mentiune la faza nationala, la concursul "InfoEducatie 2009" - Soft Utilitar, lucrarea: "Romanian PC-Cillin Suite 2.0"
*Mentiune la faza nationala, la concursul "InfoEducatie 2009" - Soft Utilitar, lucrarea: "DictRO"
*Locul I la concursul national de informatica ProInfo 2009 organizat de Universitatea de Vest "Vasile Goldis", Arad
h3. Clasa a VII-a (2007-2008)
*Premiul Special la concursul national GREPIT - sectiunea Soft Utilitar (participand la Liceu) Editia a II-a
*Premiul III la concursul Stefan Odobleja (eu fiind in clasa a VII-a, participand la Clasa a IX 2008)
*Calificare la .campion(finala, 2008, eu fiind in clasa a VII-a, participand la grupa Small)
*Premiul III la concursul interjudetean "Micul Gates"(participand si cu cei de la VIII-a)
*Mentiunea I la concursul intejudetean "Info-Bucuresti"
*Premiul II la concursul National al Centrelor de Excelenta(participand si cu cei de la VIII-a)
*Mentiune la concursul National "InfoEducatie" 2008 - sectiunea Soft Utilitar (participand la Liceu) Editia XIV
*Locul I la OJI 2008
*Mentiunea I la OJI, clasa a IX, (eu fiind in clasa a VII-a)
*Locul 12 la ONI(primul sub linie)
h3. Clasa a VI-a (2006-2007)
*Mentiune la Info-Oltenia, (eu fiind in clasa a VI-a, participand la Clasa a IX 2006)
*Locul I la Concursul Interjudetean al Centrelor de Excelenta Suceava
*Locul I la OJI 2007
*Locul 13 la ONI(primul sub linie)
h3. Clasa a V-a (2005-2006)
*Locul I la OJI 2006
*Locul 12 la PACO
*Locul 13 la Micul Gates
*Locul 34 la ONI
h2. Softuri la care am lucrat - Lista cu proiecte
1.	Self-driving car –I am working at an autonomous car project, a car without a driver which will be able to drive on urban streets. It processes data from a 3D radar(called LIDAR), 4x webcam, and it is able to calculate how it must turn the wheels to drive correctly on the highway, what is the proper velocity to avoid accidents. I believe it will be done in 3-4 months time. You can see how my autonomous car software works, in this video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJL97K81Ob0.  Because the computation complexity is large it uses parallel and distributed programming, on many cores and many computers.
2.	Human Computer Interface – Using Artificial Intelligence to help blind people to see with their tongue. The goal of the work is to create a low-cost device to support blind people that have previously been able to see and have in memory objects form and environment representation so that they can have a spatial representation. There are 287 million blind people in the world. The project is trying to use tongue as a primary transducer for sight, not eyes. Consequently, I created a multi-functional software and an adjustable hardware device. The device allows the processing and adjusting of images taken from a webcam in real time using Artificial Intelligence in order to send them to a sensor matrix that will be placed on an individual’s tongue. On the sensor matrix, electricity, directly proportional with the image will be generated. In time, the brain of the blind person will succeed in decoding the information placed on his/ her tongue.
3.	Automated system using Artificial Intelligence to recognize traffic jams or other natural disasters like hurricanes, arsons, oil spill, floods, etc… The purpose of this project is to create software that helps emergency offices to recognize natural disasters automatically from satellite maps. The idea is the software to recognize natural disasters in real time, before somebody calls and alarms the authorities. Practically, it will save the necessary time that somebody needs to call and alarm. For this purpose, I created and put to test new multi-functional software, demonstrating that the software would save up to 20-30 minutes before somebody would alert the emergency office. Besides solving problems faster, the software is also effective in protecting the environment as it helps forests, firefighters, policemen, people’s goods, people’s houses and so on.
4.	Brain Computer interface using electroencephalography – The idea was to create an electroencephalograph which can read the neuronal electric signals within 16 different channels. It amplifies the signal, sending it via frequency modulation. The after the acquisition of the data the software process it using Artificial Intelligence to recognize some patterns. The purpose of the project was to help  people with loco motor disabilities to control a computer or other gadgets
5.	X-THEFT It is a software useful for banks surveillance, which allows to recognize the burglars wearing black criminal masks.  The software  is  also able to recognize the spectral noise of a flex in case burglars  would try to steal the bank’s ATM
6.	Control Education– a distributed software which allows e-learning from distance. It is very useful for teachers to use it in a laboratory. Teachers have full access to the student’s computers.
7.	AILab – scripting language for Artificial Intelligence is a programming language (scripting) which allows to create minimal applications oriented for Artificial Intelligence. The software is oriented for templates, and the programmer can override methods for a feature development. Software can generate a Dynamic Link Library which contains the source code in language and can be imported in any programming language under Windows Platform. Software wants to be a tool for programmers, researchers and software companies like MATLAB. A programmer can write something in AILab and he can import the source(which  is written in AILab) in any programming language(Environments) as a DLL for a feature development.
8.	NeurosLab Rapid Application development for Artificial Intelligence – The software allows the developers to create simulate, learn and export artificial neural network Multi-Layer-Perceptron, Kohonen and Carpenter in others applications or other Integrated Development Environments. The user can train the neural network by “drag and drop” and it is able to create powerful applications. As demonstrations, I created a few examples like: Optical Character Recognition(OCR), Face recognition, Face classification, Speech recognition, Mathematical regression of some functions.
9.	RoNetAsistent  RomanianNetAsistent is a software from Remote Administration Tools which allows  assistants to repair “sick” computers from the distance, via internet. It is a very useful software for network administrations or for computer services.
10.	Logicus – Educational software 2.0 using Artificial Intelligence- It is Educational software that can help students to  create logical schemes with drag&drop. Then they can simulate the logical scheme and  see the source code(in Pascal, C++, Pseudo code) which is generated automatically for his own logical scheme. The software  has some tools with Artificial Intelligence which allow  OCR(Optical Character Recognition),  Vocal User Interface(the GUI can be spoken by the software) and Speech Recognition(where the student can give vocal commands to the software using a microphone).
11.	dictRO – Is a narrator  which is able to talk in the Romanian language as text. It is a text-to-speech software. First version doesn’t have Artificial Neural Networks, but the second version is using a Multi-Layer-Perceptron Artificial Neural Network to synthetize the words . It still misses the accent.
12.	LearnGraphs and Tree – is an educational software oriented for editing, visualizing graphs and studying some algorithms. The project is created from 4 applications: "LearnGraphs – Directed Graph" "LearnGraphs – Undirected graph ", "LearnGraphs – Binary tree " and "LearnGraphs - Educational"(is a software to evaluate students; it creates random graphs  and students must add, remove, change some edges of vertexes)
13.	Romanian PC-Cillin Is a small antivirus system, which is able to detect malicious codes from executable files(.exe, .com, .bat. odt. .dll). It can detect viruses by knowing their signatures or by their behavior. It has some heuristics scans which study the files behavior in time. I implemented a MLP neural network to detect spam e-mails.
14.	Ce face copilul tau pe net?!!! (en: What is your child doing on the Internet?!!!) – It is software from the Remote Administration Tools class and is used to have access to a computer from distance or over watch the children’s computer.  It has a dozen of applications.
15.	Fast HTML Editor – An application which allows creating simple HTML pages using drag and dropping. It includes Java script pages and is oriented for novice people.
16.	MicroDC  It is a software which allow files sharing between users. It is a skeleton for a torrent client.
17.	NetMinorSupervizor - It is software from the Remote Administration Tools class .It’s used to have access to a computer  or  supervise the children’s computer from distance.  Parents can know what their children do when online, from their work.
18.	X-Thief - Is a software project useful for localization of stolen computers. Computers need to have this software installed and not formatted.  After having your computer stolen, you will be able to see the webcam from the stolen computer, can copy files, install proofs, record the microphone, etc... Many other options are available.
Si multe alte programe, dar nu sunt asa de semnificative.

Nu exista diferente intre securitate.

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