Diferente pentru training-path intre reviziile #79 si #80

Nu exista diferente intre titluri.

Diferente intre continut:

** Sortare topologica
** Ciclu eulerian
* Drumuri minime
** A*, iterative deepening
** Dijkstra (cu heapuri, cu set-uri, cu AINT-uri, cu coada ca pe TC - Cosmin stie)
** 'Dijkstra cu costuri mici ;)':http://www.ginfo.ro/revista/13_6/focus2.pdf cum se foloseste la problema 'car':problema/car
** A* has a lot of intuitive appeal for me. If you compare Dijkstra's vs. A*, Dijkstra's is like a puddle of water flooding outwards on a flat floor, whereas A* is like the same puddle expanding on a bumpy and graded floor toward a drain (the target node) at the lowest point in the floor. Instead of spreading out evenly on all sides, the water seeks the path of least resistance, only trying new paths when something gets in its way. The heuristic function is what provides the 'grade' of the hypothetical floor.
*** A* se foloseste foarte mult in industria jocurilor, fiind un algoritm foarte rapid in practica. Un exemplu unde este folosit este jocul de strategie Starcraft.
** Floyd-Warshall
** Bellman-Ford
*** De obicei mai simplu de implementat si cam aceeasi viteza ca si Dijkstra cu heapuri
* bitset
* iteratori
h3. Cautari
** backtracking
** iterative deepening
** branch and bound
h3. Optimizari
* Parsare

Nu exista diferente intre securitate.

Topicul de forum nu a fost schimbat.