Diferente pentru problema/police intre reviziile #13 si #10

Nu exista diferente intre titluri.

Diferente intre continut:

h2. Date de intrare
The first line of the input file $police.in$ contains 4 integers: $N$ (the number of semaphores), $R$ (the number of semaphores William can skip), $T$ (the half-period of the semaphores), and $L$ (the length of the street).
The second line contains $N$ integers: the coordinates X[i].
The first line of the input file $wordle.in$ contains the only integer $N$. The second line contains $N$ letters $L[i]$: either an uppercase letter of the English alphabet or an underscore.
h2. Date de ieşire
The output file $police.out$ contains a single line with an integer: the minimum time in seconds that will be needed to reach the nest.
The output file $wordle.out$ contains a single line with an integer: the number of possible solutions.
h2. Restricţii
* $N < L &le; 10^9$
* $X[i] < L$, for each semaphore
* $X[i] < X[i+1]$ for each $i$ from $0$ to $n-2$
* For tests worth $15$ more points, $R = 0$.
* For tests worth $15$ more points, $N &le; 20$ and $L &le; 1000$.
* For tests worth $25$ more points, $N, T &le; 100$ and $L &le; 1000$.
* For tests worth $15$ more points, $N &le; 300$.
h2. Exemplu

Nu exista diferente intre securitate.

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