Cod sursa(job #98488)

Utilizator ZeusCatalin Tiseanu Zeus Data 10 noiembrie 2007 13:57:14
Problema Abc2 Scor 0
Compilator cpp Status done
Runda Happy Coding 2007 Marime 6.96 kb

// chestii grele

#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>

#define RUN_IT

using namespace std;

int N, M, L, ret;
char A[10111111], cuv[50111][22];
clock_t start, end;

void clock_it( string x )
#ifndef RUN_IT
     clock_t at = clock();
     cout << x << " = " << 1.0 * ( at - start ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;

class Trie
#define V 4
   int ID_POOL;    
   class node
       int id;
       char term;
       node * to[ V ];
             for( int i = 0; i < V; ++i )
                  to[i] = NULL;
             id = -1;
             term = 0;
   } * R;    
         R = new node();        
         R->id = 0; 
         ID_POOL = 1;
   void add_dict( vector<string> w )
        for( int i = 0; i < (int)w.size(); ++i )
             add_word( w[i] );
   void add_word( string w )
//         cout << "-> " << w << endl;
         node * at = R;
         for( int i = 0; i < (int)w.size(); ++i )    
              if( at->to[ w[i] ] )
                   at = at->to[ w[i] ];
                   node * n = new node();
                   n->id = ID_POOL++;
                   at->to[ w[i] ] = n;
                   at = n;     
         at->term = 1;
   void print_trie( node * n, int pos)
        int nr(0);
        for( int x = 0; x < V; ++x )
             if( n->to[x] )
                 if( nr )
                     cout << string( pos, ' ' );
                 cout << (char)(x);
                 print_trie( n->to[x], pos + 1 );  
        if( !nr )
            cout << endl; 

#define MAX_SZ (1<<20)

int f[MAX_SZ], out[MAX_SZ];
int g[MAX_SZ][V];
queue<int> Q; 
Trie T;

class AC
#define V 4

       int nr_word, nr_state;   
//       vector<int> f, out;
//       vector< vector<int> > g;
             nr_word = 0;
       void add_word( string w )
             T.add_word( w );
       void add_dict( vector<string> w )
            T.add_dict( w );     
       void debug()
            T.print_trie( T.R, 0 );     
       void df( Trie::node * n )
            for( int x = 0; x < V; x++ )
                 if( n->to[x] )
                     g[ n->id ][ x ] = n->to[x]->id;
                     df( n->to[x] ); 
                     if( n->id == 0 ) // root
                         g[ 0 ][ x ] = 0;
                         g[ n->id ][ x ] = -1;
            out[ n->id ] = n->term;   
       void build_automata()
             nr_state = T.ID_POOL; 
//             cout << " ! " << nr_state << endl; exit(0);
//             f.resize( nr_state ), out.resize( nr_state );
//             g.resize( nr_state );
//             for( int i = 0; i < nr_state; ++i )
//                  g[i].resize( V );
             clock_it( "Resizing" );
             df( T.R );
             clock_it( "df" );
             for( int x = 0; x < V; ++x )
                  if( T.R->to[x] )
                      f[ T.R->to[x]->id ] = 0,
                      Q.push( T.R->to[x]->id );
             clock_it( "graph" );
             while( (int)Q.size() )
                  int r = Q.front(), u, v; Q.pop();
                  for( int x = 0; x < V; ++x )
                       if( (u=g[ r ][ x ]) != -1 ) // u is the son of r with edge x
                            Q.push( u ); 
                            v = f[ r ];
                            while( g[ v ][ x ] == -1 )
                                   v = f[ v ];
                            f[ u ] = g[ v ][ x ];
                            out[ u ] |= out[ f[u] ]; 
             clock_it( "queue" );

       inline int process_character( int & q, char x )
            while( g[ q ][ x ] == -1 )
                q = f[ q ];    
            q = g[ q ][ x ];
            return out[ q ];
       int process_string()
            int q = 0, nr_found = 0, op;  
            for( int i = 0; i < L; ++i )
                 while( g[ q ][ A[i] ] == -1 )
                        q = f[ q ]; 
                 q = g[ q ][ A[i] ];
//                 cout << "pos : " << i << " found " << v << endl;
                 nr_found += out[q];
            return nr_found;
} MyAC;

void gen()
    freopen("", "w", stdout); 

    L = 10000000, N = 50000, M = 20;
    for( int i = 0; i < L; i++ )
         printf("%c", (char)( 'a' + rand() % 3 ) ); printf("\n");
    for( int c = 0; c < N; c++ )
         for( int i = 0; i < M; i++ )
              printf("%c", (char)( 'a' + rand() % 3 ) ); printf("\n");     

int main()
//    gen();
    freopen("", "r", stdin);
    freopen("abc2.out", "w", stdout);
    start = clock();
    int i, j, l, k;
    gets( A );
    L = strlen( A );
    N = 0;
    while( gets( cuv[++N] ) );
    if( N == 0 )
        return 0;    
    M = strlen(cuv[1]);
    if( M > L )
        return 0;   

    for( l = 0; l < L; l++ ) A[l] -= 'a' - 1;
    for( i = 1; i <= N; i++ )    
         for( l = 0; l < M; l++ ) cuv[i][l] -= 'a' - 1;
    clock_it( "reading" );
    for( int i = 1; i <= N; i++ )
         MyAC.add_word( string(cuv[i]) );

//    cout << MyAC.process_string() << endl;

    int q;  

    for( i = 0; i < L; ++i )
                 while( g[ q ][ A[i] ] == -1 )
                        q = f[ q ]; 
                 q = g[ q ][ A[i] ];
//                 cout << "pos : " << i << " found " << v << endl;
                 ret += out[q];

    cout << ret << endl;

    clock_it( "total" );

    return 0;    