Borderou de evaluare (job #7013)

Utilizator alle_forever13Alexandra Retegan alle_forever13 Data 21 ianuarie 2007 11:47:27
Problema Elimin Status done
Runda preONI 2007, Runda 1, Clasa a 10-a Compilator cpp | Vezi sursa
Scor 0

Raport evaluator

Eroare de compilare: user.cpp: In function `void qsort1(int, int)': user.cpp:73: error: call of overloaded `qsort1(int&, long int)' is ambiguous user.cpp:11: error: candidates are: void qsort1(long int, long int) user.cpp:68: error: void qsort1(int, int) user.cpp:77: error: call of overloaded `qsort1(long int, int&)' is ambiguous user.cpp:11: error: candidates are: void qsort1(long int, long int) user.cpp:68: error: void qsort1(int, int) user.cpp: In function `void qsort2(int, int)': user.cpp:112: error: call of overloaded `qsort2(int&, long int)' is ambiguous user.cpp:9: error: candidates are: void qsort2(long int, long int) user.cpp:107: error: void qsort2(int, int) user.cpp:116: error: call of overloaded `qsort2(long int, int&)' is ambiguous user.cpp:9: error: candidates are: void qsort2(long int, long int) user.cpp:107: error: void qsort2(int, int)

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