Cod sursa(job #60723)

Utilizator al3csutzuSirbu Alexandru al3csutzu Data 16 mai 2007 10:14:43
Problema Amlei Scor 100
Compilator fpc Status done
Runda Arhiva de probleme Marime 0.87 kb
program amlei; var n,u,t,i,k,p:integer; suma1,suma2:array [1..500] of integer; f,g:text; begin assign(f,''); assign(g,'amlei.out'); reset(f); rewrite(g); while not(eof(f)) do begin read (f,n,t,u); if (n>0) and (u>0) and (t>0) then begin k:=0; for i:=1 to n*t do begin read (f,p); if i mod n<>1 then suma1[k]:=suma1[k]+p else begin k:=k+1; suma1[k]:=p; end; end; k:=0; for i:=1 to n*u do begin read (f,p); if i mod n<>1 then suma2[k]:=suma2[k]+p else begin k:=k+1; suma2[k]:=p; end; end; k:=1; for i:=1 to t do begin for p:=1 to u do begin if suma1[i]=suma2[p] then break; if p=u then begin writeln(g,'NU'); k:=0; end; end; if k=0 then break; end; if k=1 then for i:=1 to u do begin for p:=1 to t do begin if suma2[i]=suma1[p] then break; if p=t then begin writeln(g,'NU'); k:=0; end; end; if k=0 then break; end; if k=1 then writeln(g,'DA'); end; end; close(f); close(g); end.