Borderou de evaluare (job #421)

Utilizator wefgefAndrei Grigorean wefgef Data 11 decembrie 2006 11:05:55
Problema Algola Status done
Runda Arhiva de probleme Compilator cpp | Vezi sursa
Scor 30

Raport evaluator

Compilare: user.cpp: In function 'int capacitate(int, int)': user.cpp:36: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions user.cpp: In function 'int fluxul(int, int)': user.cpp:44: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions user.cpp: In function 'int bfs()': user.cpp:68: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions user.cpp: In function 'void modif(int, int, int)': user.cpp:84: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions user.cpp: In function 'int fluxul(int, int)': user.cpp:47: warning: control reaches end of non-void function user.cpp: In function 'int capacitate(int, int)': user.cpp:39: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
Test Timp executie Memorie folosita Mesaj Punctaj/test
1160ms5004kbKilled by signal 11(SIGSEGV).0
5192ms5928kbKilled by signal 11(SIGSEGV).0
6200ms5764kbKilled by signal 11(SIGSEGV).0
8Depăşit2860kbTime limit exceeded.0
9212ms6584kbKilled by signal 11(SIGSEGV).0
10184ms5268kbKilled by signal 11(SIGSEGV).0
Punctaj total30

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