Cod sursa(job #3184640)

Utilizator thinkphpAdrian Statescu thinkphp Data 16 decembrie 2023 13:06:50
Problema Paduri de multimi disjuncte Scor 100
Compilator cpp-64 Status done
Runda Arhiva educationala Marime 2.36 kb
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#define FIN ""
#define FOUT "disjoint.out"

typedef unsigned long ulong;

using namespace std;

class UnionFind {

      UnionFind(ulong num):numElements( num ),
                           parent( new ulong[num + 1] ),
                           height( new ulong[ num + 1 ] )

              for(int i = 1; i <= numElements; ++i) {

                  parent[ i ] = i;

                  height[ i ] = 1;

      ~UnionFind() {
          delete [] parent;
          delete [] height;

      void unionSets(ulong x, ulong y) {

           ulong rootX = getRoot( x ) ;

           ulong rootY = getRoot( y ) ;

           if(height[ rootX ] > height[ rootY ]) {

              parent[ rootY ] = rootX;

           } else if(height[ rootX ] < height[ rootY ]) {

              parent[ rootX ] = rootY;

           } else {

              parent[rootY] = rootX;

              height[ rootX ] += 1;

      ulong sameSets(ulong x, ulong y) {

        ulong rootX = getRoot( x ) ;

        ulong rootY = getRoot( y ) ;

        updatePathRoot(x, rootX);

        updatePathRoot(y, rootY);

        return rootX == rootY;

      ulong numElements,

      ulong getRoot(ulong node) {

            ulong root = parent[ node ];

            while(root != parent[root]) {

                  root = parent[root];
            return root;

      void updatePathRoot(ulong node, ulong root) {

           if(node == root && root == parent[ node ]) return;

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {

  ifstream fin(FIN);
  ofstream fout(FOUT);

  #ifndef NDEBUG

  if(!fin || !fout) {

     cerr<<"Error Opening File";
     return -1;


  ulong numElements, //number of elements
        numOps, //number of operations
        type, //the type of the oparation
        x, //element x
        y; //element y


  UnionFind uf( numElements );



                    case 1:

                    case 2:
                    fout<<(uf.sameSets(x,y) ? "DA": "NU")<<"\n";
  return 0;
