Cod sursa(job #2906647)

Utilizator andrei_C1Andrei Chertes andrei_C1 Data 26 mai 2022 21:42:24
Problema Strazi Scor 0
Compilator cpp-64 Status done
Runda Arhiva de probleme Marime 16.48 kb
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

#define fo(i, n) for (int i = 0, _n = (n); i < _n; ++i)
#define range(i, a, b) for (int i = (a), _n = (b); i < _n; ++i)

static const int oo = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
static const int UNMATCHED = -1;

struct WeightedBipartiteEdge
	int left;
	int right;
	int cost;

	WeightedBipartiteEdge() : left(), right(), cost() {}
	WeightedBipartiteEdge(int left, int right, int cost) : left(left), right(right), cost(cost) {}

struct LeftEdge
	int right;
	int cost;

	LeftEdge() : right(), cost() {}
	LeftEdge(int right, int cost) : right(right), cost(cost) {}

	const bool operator<(const LeftEdge &otherEdge) const
		return right < otherEdge.right || (right == otherEdge.right && cost < otherEdge.cost);

const std::vector<int> hungarianMinimumWeightPerfectMatching(const int n, const std::vector<WeightedBipartiteEdge> allEdges)

	// Edge lists for each left node.
	//const std::unique_ptr< std::vector<LeftEdge> > leftEdges(new std::vector<LeftEdge>[n]);
	std::vector< std::vector<LeftEdge> > leftEdges(n);
	//region Edge list initialization

	// Initialize edge lists for each left node, based on the incoming set of edges.
	// While we're at it, we check that every node has at least one associated edge.
	// (Note: We filter out the edges that invalidly refer to a node on the left or right outside [0, n).)
		int leftEdgeCounts[n], rightEdgeCounts[n];
		std::fill_n(leftEdgeCounts, n, 0);
		std::fill_n(rightEdgeCounts, n, 0);

		fo(edgeIndex, allEdges.size())
			const WeightedBipartiteEdge &edge = allEdges[edgeIndex];
			if (edge.left >= 0 && edge.left < n)
			if (edge.right >= 0 && edge.right < n)

		fo(i, n)
			if (leftEdgeCounts[i] == 0 || rightEdgeCounts[i] == 0)
				// No matching will be possible.
				return std::vector<int>();

		// Probably unnecessary, but reserve the required space for each node, just because?
		fo(i, n)
	// Actually add to the edge lists now.
	fo(edgeIndex, allEdges.size())
		const WeightedBipartiteEdge &edge = allEdges[edgeIndex];
		if (edge.left >= 0 && edge.left < n && edge.right >= 0 && edge.right < n)
			leftEdges[edge.left].push_back(LeftEdge(edge.right, edge.cost));

	// Sort the edge lists, and remove duplicate edges (keep the edge with smallest cost).
	fo(i, n)
		std::vector<LeftEdge> &edges = leftEdges[i];
		std::sort(edges.begin(), edges.end());

		int edgeCount = 0;
		int lastRight = UNMATCHED;
		fo(edgeIndex, edges.size())
			const LeftEdge &edge = edges[edgeIndex];
			if (edge.right == lastRight)
			lastRight = edge.right;
			if (edgeIndex != edgeCount)
				edges[edgeCount] = edge;


	//endregion Edge list initialization

	// These hold "potentials" for nodes on the left and nodes on the right, which reduce the costs of attached edges.
	// We maintain that every reduced cost, cost[i][j] - leftPotential[i] - leftPotential[j], is greater than zero.
	int leftPotential[n], rightPotential[n];

	//region Node potential initialization

	// Here, we seek good initial values for the node potentials.
	// Note: We're guaranteed by the above code that at every node on the left and right has at least one edge.

	// First, we raise the potentials on the left as high as we can for each node.
	// This guarantees each node on the left has at least one "tight" edge.

	fo(i, n)
		const std::vector<LeftEdge> &edges = leftEdges[i];
		int smallestEdgeCost = edges[0].cost;
		range(edgeIndex, 1, edges.size())
			if (edges[edgeIndex].cost < smallestEdgeCost)
				smallestEdgeCost = edges[edgeIndex].cost;

		// Set node potential to the smallest incident edge cost.
		// This is as high as we can take it without creating an edge with zero reduced cost.
		leftPotential[i] = smallestEdgeCost;

	// Second, we raise the potentials on the right as high as we can for each node.
	// We do the same as with the left, but this time take into account that costs are reduced
	// by the left potentials.
	// This guarantees that each node on the right has at least one "tight" edge.

	std::fill_n(rightPotential, n, oo);

	fo(edgeIndex, allEdges.size())
		const WeightedBipartiteEdge &edge = allEdges[edgeIndex];
		int reducedCost = edge.cost - leftPotential[edge.left];
		if (rightPotential[edge.right] > reducedCost)
			rightPotential[edge.right] = reducedCost;

	//endregion Node potential initialization

	// Tracks how many edges for each left node are "tight".
	// Following initialization, we maintain the invariant that these are at the start of the node's edge list.
	int leftTightEdgesCount[n];
	std::fill_n(leftTightEdgesCount, n, 0);

	//region Tight edge initialization

	// Here we find all tight edges, defined as edges that have zero reduced cost.
	// We will be interested in the subgraph induced by the tight edges, so we partition the edge lists for
	// each left node accordingly, moving the tight edges to the start.

	fo(i, n)
		std::vector<LeftEdge> &edges = leftEdges[i];
		int tightEdgeCount = 0;
		fo(edgeIndex, edges.size())
			const LeftEdge &edge = edges[edgeIndex];
			int reducedCost = edge.cost - leftPotential[i] - rightPotential[edge.right];
			if (reducedCost == 0)
				if (edgeIndex != tightEdgeCount)
					std::swap(edges[tightEdgeCount], edges[edgeIndex]);
		leftTightEdgesCount[i] = tightEdgeCount;

	//endregion Tight edge initialization

	// Now we're ready to begin the inner loop.

	// We maintain an (initially empty) partial matching, in the subgraph of tight edges.
	int currentMatchingCardinality = 0;
	int leftMatchedTo[n], rightMatchedTo[n];
	std::fill_n(leftMatchedTo, n, UNMATCHED);
	std::fill_n(rightMatchedTo, n, UNMATCHED);

	//region Initial matching (speedup?)

	// Because we can, let's make all the trivial matches we can.
	fo(i, n)
		const std::vector<LeftEdge> &edges = leftEdges[i];
		fo(edgeIndex, leftTightEdgesCount[i])
			int j = edges[edgeIndex].right;
			if (rightMatchedTo[j] == UNMATCHED)
				rightMatchedTo[j] = i;
				leftMatchedTo[i] = j;

	if (currentMatchingCardinality == n)
		// Well, that's embarassing. We're already done!
		return std::vector<int>(leftMatchedTo, leftMatchedTo + n);

	//endregion Initial matching (speedup?)

	// While an augmenting path exists, we add it to the matching.
	// When an augmenting path doesn't exist, we update the potentials so that an edge between the area
	// we can reach and the unreachable nodes on the right becomes tight, giving us another edge to explore.
	// We proceed in this fashion until we can't find more augmenting paths or add edges.
	// At that point, we either have a min-weight perfect matching, or no matching exists.

	//region Inner loop state variables

	// One point of confusion is that we're going to cache the edges between the area we've explored
	// that are "almost tight", or rather are the closest to being tight.
	// This is necessary to achieve our O(N^3) runtime.
	// rightMinimumSlack[j] gives the smallest amount of "slack" for an unreached node j on the right,
	// considering the edges between j and some node on the left in our explored area.
	// rightMinimumSlackLeftNode[j] gives the node i with the corresponding edge.
	// rightMinimumSlackEdgeIndex[j] gives the edge index for node i.

	int rightMinimumSlack[n], rightMinimumSlackLeftNode[n], rightMinimumSlackEdgeIndex[n];

	std::deque<int> leftNodeQueue;
	bool leftSeen[n];
	int rightBacktrack[n];

	// Note: the above are all initialized at the start of the loop.

	//endregion Inner loop state variables

	while (currentMatchingCardinality < n)

		//region Loop state initialization

		// Clear out slack caches.
		// Note: We need to clear the nodes so that we can notice when there aren't any edges available.
		std::fill_n(rightMinimumSlack, n, oo);
		std::fill_n(rightMinimumSlackLeftNode, n, UNMATCHED);

		// Clear the queue.

		// Mark everything "unseen".
		std::fill_n(leftSeen, n, false);
		std::fill_n(rightBacktrack, n, UNMATCHED);

		//endregion Loop state initialization

		int startingLeftNode = UNMATCHED;

		//region Find unmatched starting node

		// Find an unmatched left node to search outward from.
		// By heuristic, we pick the node with fewest tight edges, giving the BFS an easier time.
		// (The asymptotics don't care about this, but maybe it helps. Eh.)
			int minimumTightEdges = oo;
			fo(i, n)
				if (leftMatchedTo[i] == UNMATCHED && leftTightEdgesCount[i] < minimumTightEdges)
					minimumTightEdges = leftTightEdgesCount[i];
					startingLeftNode = i;

		//endregion Find unmatched starting node

		assert(startingLeftNode != UNMATCHED);

		leftSeen[startingLeftNode] = true;

		int endingRightNode = UNMATCHED;
		while (endingRightNode == UNMATCHED)

			//region BFS until match found or no edges to follow

			while (endingRightNode == UNMATCHED && !leftNodeQueue.empty())
				// Implementation note: this could just as easily be a DFS, but a BFS probably
				// has less edge flipping (by my guess), so we're using a BFS.

				const int i = leftNodeQueue.front();

				std::vector<LeftEdge> &edges = leftEdges[i];
				// Note: Some of the edges might not be tight anymore, hence the awful loop.
				for (int edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < leftTightEdgesCount[i]; ++edgeIndex)
					const LeftEdge &edge = edges[edgeIndex];
					const int j = edge.right;

					assert(edge.cost - leftPotential[i] - rightPotential[j] >= 0);
					if (edge.cost > leftPotential[i] + rightPotential[j])
						// This edge is loose now.
						std::swap(edges[edgeIndex], edges[leftTightEdgesCount[i]]);

					if (rightBacktrack[j] != UNMATCHED)

					rightBacktrack[j] = i;
					int matchedTo = rightMatchedTo[j];
					if (matchedTo == UNMATCHED)
						// Match found. This will terminate the loop.
						endingRightNode = j;
					else if (!leftSeen[matchedTo])
						// No match found, but a new left node is reachable. Track how we got here and extend BFS queue.
						leftSeen[matchedTo] = true;

				//region Update cached slack values

				// The remaining edges may be to nodes that are unreachable.
				// We accordingly update the minimum slackness for nodes on the right.

				if (endingRightNode == UNMATCHED)
					const int potential = leftPotential[i];
					range(edgeIndex, leftTightEdgesCount[i], edges.size())
						const LeftEdge &edge = edges[edgeIndex];
						int j = edge.right;

						if (rightMatchedTo[j] == UNMATCHED || !leftSeen[rightMatchedTo[j]])
							// This edge is to a node on the right that we haven't reached yet.

							int reducedCost = edge.cost - potential - rightPotential[j];
							assert(reducedCost >= 0);

							if (reducedCost < rightMinimumSlack[j])
								// There should be a better way to do this backtracking...
								// One array instead of 3. But I can't think of something else. So it goes.
								rightMinimumSlack[j] = reducedCost;
								rightMinimumSlackLeftNode[j] = i;
								rightMinimumSlackEdgeIndex[j] = edgeIndex;

				//endregion Update cached slack values

			//endregion BFS until match found or no edges to follow

			//region Update node potentials to add edges, if no match found

			if (endingRightNode == UNMATCHED)
				// Out of nodes. Time to update some potentials.
				int minimumSlackRightNode = UNMATCHED;

				//region Find minimum slack node, or abort if none exists

				int minimumSlack = oo;
				fo(j, n)
					if (rightMatchedTo[j] == UNMATCHED || !leftSeen[rightMatchedTo[j]])
						// This isn't a node reached by our BFS. Update minimum slack.
						if (rightMinimumSlack[j] < minimumSlack)
							minimumSlack = rightMinimumSlack[j];
							minimumSlackRightNode = j;

				if (minimumSlackRightNode == UNMATCHED || rightMinimumSlackLeftNode[minimumSlackRightNode] == UNMATCHED)
					// The caches are all empty. There was no option available.
					// This means that the node the BFS started at, which is an unmatched left node, cannot reach the
					// right - i.e. it will be impossible to find a perfect matching.

					return std::vector<int>();

				//endregion Find minimum slack node, or abort if none exists

				assert(minimumSlackRightNode != UNMATCHED);

				// Adjust potentials on left and right.
				fo(i, n)
					if (leftSeen[i])
						leftPotential[i] += minimumSlack;
						if (leftMatchedTo[i] != UNMATCHED)
							rightPotential[leftMatchedTo[i]] -= minimumSlack;

				// Downward-adjust slackness caches.
				fo(j, n)
					if (rightMatchedTo[j] == UNMATCHED || !leftSeen[rightMatchedTo[j]])
						rightMinimumSlack[j] -= minimumSlack;

						// If the slack hit zero, then we just found ourselves a new tight edge.
						if (rightMinimumSlack[j] == 0)
							const int i = rightMinimumSlackLeftNode[j];
							const int edgeIndex = rightMinimumSlackEdgeIndex[j];

							//region Update leftEdges[i] and leftTightEdgesCount[i]

							// Move it in the relevant edge list.
							if (edgeIndex != leftTightEdgesCount[i])
								std::vector<LeftEdge> &edges = leftEdges[i];
								std::swap(edges[edgeIndex], edges[leftTightEdgesCount[i]]);

							//endregion Update leftEdges[i] and leftTightEdgesCount[i]

							// If we haven't already encountered a match, we follow the edge and update the BFS queue.
							// It's possible this edge leads to a match. If so, we'll carry on updating the tight edges,
							// but won't follow them.
							if (endingRightNode == UNMATCHED)
								// We're contemplating the consequences of following (i, j), as we do in the BFS above.
								rightBacktrack[j] = i;
								int matchedTo = rightMatchedTo[j];
								if (matchedTo == UNMATCHED)
									// Match found!
									endingRightNode = j;
								else if (!leftSeen[matchedTo])
									// No match, but new left node found. Extend BFS queue.
									leftSeen[matchedTo] = true;

			//endregion Update node potentials to add edges, if no match found

		// At this point, we've found an augmenting path between startingLeftNode and endingRightNode.
		// We'll just use the backtracking info to update our match information.


		//region Backtrack and flip augmenting path

			int currentRightNode = endingRightNode;
			while (currentRightNode != UNMATCHED)
				const int currentLeftNode = rightBacktrack[currentRightNode];
				const int nextRightNode = leftMatchedTo[currentLeftNode];

				rightMatchedTo[currentRightNode] = currentLeftNode;
				leftMatchedTo[currentLeftNode] = currentRightNode;

				currentRightNode = nextRightNode;

		//end region Backtrack and flip augmenting path

	return std::vector<int>(leftMatchedTo, leftMatchedTo + n);

std :: ifstream fin("");
std :: ofstream fout("strazi.out");

std :: vector<WeightedBipartiteEdge> edges;
std :: vector<std :: pair<int, int>> ans;
std :: vector<int> matching;
std :: vector<std :: vector<bool>> adj;
std :: vector<bool> visited;

void dfs(int u) {
	fout << u  + 1 << " ";
	visited[u] = 1;
	if(!visited[matching[u]]) {

int main() {
	int n, m;
	fin >> n >> m;
	adj = std :: vector<std :: vector<bool>> (n, std :: vector<bool> (n));

	for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
		int u, v;
		fin >> u>> v;
		u--; v--;
		adj[u][v] = 1;

	for(int u = 0; u < n; u++) {
		for(int v = 0; v < n; v++) {
			if(u != v) {
				if(adj[u][v] == 1) {
					edges.push_back(WeightedBipartiteEdge(u, v, 0));
				} else {
					edges.push_back(WeightedBipartiteEdge(u, v, 1));

	matching = hungarianMinimumWeightPerfectMatching(n, edges);

	for(int i = 0; i < (int) matching.size(); i++) {
		if(adj[i][matching[i]] == 0) {
			ans.push_back({i, matching[i]});

	fout << ans.size() - 1 << '\n';

	for(int i = 0; i < (int) ans.size() - 1; i++) {
		fout << ans[i].first + 1 << " " << ans[i].second + 1 << '\n';

	visited = std :: vector<bool> (n);
	return 0;