Cod sursa(job #2789049)

Utilizator mentolnothingmoreNegrut Maria Daniela mentolnothingmore Data 26 octombrie 2021 20:28:25
Problema BFS - Parcurgere in latime Scor 0
Compilator cpp-64 Status done
Runda Arhiva educationala Marime 7.62 kb
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

struct Edge
    /// Struct that helps with the definition of pairs for the edges of the graphs
    // from = the start vertex of the edge
    // where = the end vertex of the edge
    int from, where;

class Graph
    int _nrVertex;
    int _nrEdge;
    bool _oriented;
    vector<vector<int>> _adjacency;

    // Internal methods.
    ifstream& _readEdges(ifstream&);
    vector<int> _bfs(const int&);
    void _dfs(const int&, const int&, vector<int>&, vector<int>&);
    inline void _addEdge(const Edge&);
    void _addAdjancey(const vector<Edge>& edges);
    void _resize(const int& n = 0, const int& m = 0, const bool& o = 0, const vector<Edge>& edges= {});

    // Constructors
    Graph(const int&, const int&, const bool&, const vector<Edge>&);
    Graph(const int& n = 0, const int& m = 0, const bool& o = 0);

    // Functions and methods to solve the requirements
    vector<int> solveBFS(ifstream&);
    int solveDFS(ifstream&);

/// Constructors
Graph::Graph(const int& n, const int& m, const bool& o, const vector<Edge>& edges)
    /// Constructor with full parameters = creates a graph with his edges
    // n = number of vertexes
    // m = number of edges
    // o = bool type that when true means the graph created is oriented
    // edges = vector of the edges in the graph retain by <from what vertex>, <to what vertex>

   _nrVertex= n;
   _nrEdge = m;
   _oriented = o;
   if (n != 0) // no need to resize adjacency vector for a graph with no vertex
       _adjacency.resize(n + 1);
       for (auto &e: edges)
           if (!_oriented) _adjacency[e.where].push_back(e.from); // if the graph is not oriented we can put the "reverse" edge to get access on both sides

Graph::Graph(const int& n, const int& m, const bool& o)
     /// Constructor with the basic parameters = creates a graph without the adjacency vector
    // n = number of vertexes
    // m = number of edges
    // o = bool type that when true means the graph created is oriented

   _nrVertex= n;
   _nrEdge = m;
   _oriented = o;
   if (n != 0)   _adjacency.resize(n + 1);

/// Definitions of internal methods
void Graph::_resize(const int& new_n, const int& new_m, const bool& new_o, const vector<Edge>& new_edges)
    /// Transform the graph to match the description
    // See full parameter constructor for parameters description.
    _nrVertex= new_n;
    _nrEdge = new_m;
    _oriented = new_o;
     _adjacency.resize(new_n + 1);
    for (auto &e: new_edges)
       if (!_oriented) _adjacency[e.where].push_back(e.from);

void Graph::_addEdge(const Edge& e)
    /// Add an edge to the graph
    // Warning! Doesn't increase the number of edges of the graph.
    if (!_oriented) _adjacency[e.where].push_back(e.from);

void Graph::_addAdjancey(const vector<Edge>& edges)
    /// Transforms the vector given in the adjacency list of the graph
    // Warning! Doesn't increase the number of edges of the graph.
    if (_nrEdge == 0 || (unsigned int)_nrEdge < edges.size())
    for (auto &e: edges)
       if (!_oriented) _adjacency[e.where].push_back(e.from);

ifstream& Graph::_readEdges(ifstream& in)
    /// Reads the edges of the graph
    // in = pointer of the location of the edges in the open for reading file

    int x, y;
    for(int i = 0; i < _nrEdge; ++i)
        in >> x >> y;
        _addEdge({x,y}); // Creates pair of type Edge
    return in;

vector<int> Graph::_bfs(const int& startV)
    /// Solves BFS  returning the distances vector
    // startV = the start vertex of the bfs
    // return: distances = vector of _nrVertex + 1 lenght with the distances from the start vertex to the i-th one

    vector<int> distances( _nrVertex + 1, -1); // initializing vector with -1 (assuming no vertex is accessible)
    distances[startV] = 0; // besides the starting one
    queue<int> orderList;
    orderList.push(startV); // starting BFS from the given vertex
    int current;

    while (!orderList.empty()) // as long as we have vertexes to explore
        current = orderList.front();
        for (auto &neighbour: _adjacency[current]) // passing through the vertexes connected to the current one
            if (distances[neighbour] == -1) // if we haven't passed through it yet
                distances[neighbour] = distances[current] + 1; // we mark it as accessible by marking the distance from the current vertex
        orderList.pop(); // finished exploring the current vertex's neighbors

    return distances;

void Graph::_dfs(const int& start, const int& marker, vector<int>& mark, vector<int>& orderList)
    /// Solves DFS recursively
    // start = start vertex
    // marker = value to use when finding a visited vertex
    // (output parameter) mark = vector of _nrVertex + 1 elements; retains the marker of each vertex
    // (output parameter) orderList = vector that determines the longest path in the graph starting with start

    mark[start] = marker; // we visited the current vertex
    for (auto &neighbour: _adjacency[start]) // passing through their neighbors
        if (mark[neighbour] == -1) // we haven't marked it already
            _dfs(neighbour, marker, mark, orderList); // continue with the neighbor

/// Procedures for solving the requirements
vector<int> Graph::solveBFS(ifstream &in)
    /// Solving BFS from infoarena
    // Warning - the _nrVertex and _nrEdges must be read before with "in"
    // n = _nrVertex m = _nrEdges  s = starting node of BFS
    // Out file "bfs.out" - distances from the starting vertex to the others

    int s;
    in >> s;
    _readEdges(in); // Reading the graph's edges
    vector<int> result = _bfs(s);
    return vector<int> (result.begin() + 1, result.end());

int Graph::solveDFS(ifstream& in)
     /// Solving BFS from infoarena
     /// Using DFS for the non-visited vertexes in order we determine the number of connected ones by
     /// marking them with the same number
    // Warning - the _nrVertex and _nrEdges must be read before with "in"
    // Graph must be non-oriented
    // n = _nrVertex m = _nrEdges
    // Out file "dfs.out" - number of components

    int result = 0;
    vector<int> map(_nrVertex + 1, -1); // The visited vector
    vector<int> aux; // not needed in the solving

    for (int i = 1; i <= _nrVertex; ++i)
        if (map[i] == -1) // A new component
            _dfs(i, result, map, aux); // mark the other vertex in the component
    return result;

void infoarenaBFS()
    ifstream in("");
    int n, m;
    in >> n >> m;
    Graph g(n,m, 1);
    vector<int> sol = g.solveBFS(in);

    ofstream out("bfs.out");
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sol.size(); ++i)
        out << sol[i] << " ";

void infoarenaDFS()
    ifstream in("");
    int n, m;
    in >> n >> m;
    Graph g(n,m, 0);
    int sol = g.solveDFS(in);

    ofstream out("dfs.out");
    out << sol;

int main()
    return 0;