Borderou de evaluare (job #2772854)

Utilizator bogdanvladmihaiBogdan Vlad-Mihai bogdanvladmihai Data 3 septembrie 2021 01:21:05
Problema Unlock Status done
Runda Arhiva ICPC Compilator cpp-64 | Vezi sursa
Scor 0

Raport evaluator

Compilare: main.cpp: In function 'char getChar()': main.cpp:39:40: warning: ignoring return value of 'size_t fread(void*, size_t, size_t, FILE*)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] fread(buff, sizeof(char), maxB, in); ^
Test Timp executie Memorie folosita Mesaj Punctaj/test
13000ms5312kbTime limit exceeded0
Punctaj total0

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