Cod sursa(job #1818032)

Utilizator ducu34Albastroiu Radu Gabriel ducu34 Data 28 noiembrie 2016 19:22:23
Problema Potrivirea sirurilor Scor 100
Compilator cpp Status done
Runda Arhiva educationala Marime 2.49 kb
//  main.cpp
//  Rabin-Karp
//  Created by Albastroiu Radu on 11/26/16.
//  Copyright © 2016 Albastroiu Radu. All rights reserved.

#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

#define BASE 128
#define HASH07 1000007
#define HASH09 1000009

using namespace std;

ifstream fin("");
ofstream fout("strmatch.out");

int main()
    string key_word, text;

    // read operations
    fin >> key_word;
    fin >> text;
    int power_mod_07 = 1;
    int power_mod_09 = 1;
    int first_hash_07 = 0;
    int first_hash_09 = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < key_word.size(); i++)
        // 'ab' -> 'abc' for the key_word
        first_hash_07 = (first_hash_07 * BASE + (key_word[i])) % HASH07;
        first_hash_09 = (first_hash_09 * BASE + (key_word[i])) % HASH09;
        // computing the power for lenght of the word
        if( i != 0 )
            power_mod_07 = (power_mod_07 * BASE) % HASH07;
            power_mod_09 = (power_mod_09 * BASE) % HASH09;
    int second_hash_07 = 0;
    int second_hash_09 = 0;
    // creating a hash from the text of lenght key_word
    for (int i = 0; i < key_word.size(); i++)
        // 'ab' -> 'abc'
        second_hash_07 = (second_hash_07 * BASE + (text[i])) % HASH07;
        second_hash_09 = (second_hash_09 * BASE + (text[i])) % HASH09;
    vector<int> positions;
    // check if the hash is the same with the key_word for the first key_word.size elements
    if(first_hash_07 == second_hash_07 &&
       first_hash_09 == second_hash_09)
    for (int i = int(key_word.size()); i < text.size(); i++)
        // 'abc' -> 'bcd' deleting a char from front and adding another one to the back in one operation
        second_hash_07 = ((second_hash_07 - (power_mod_07 * text[i - key_word.size()] ) % HASH07 + HASH07) * BASE + text[i]) % HASH07;
        second_hash_09 = ((second_hash_09 - (power_mod_09 * text[i - key_word.size()] ) % HASH09 + HASH09) * BASE + text[i]) % HASH09;
        // check if the hash is the same with the key_word
        if(first_hash_07 == second_hash_07 &&
           first_hash_09 == second_hash_09)
            positions.push_back( int(i - key_word.size() + 1) );
    // print operations
    fout << positions.size() << "\n";
    // prints only the first 1000 appearances
    int i = 0;
    while(i < 1000 && i < positions.size())
        fout << positions[i++] << " ";
    return 0;