Cod sursa(job #1817894)

Utilizator cyber_ghSoltan Gheorghe cyber_gh Data 28 noiembrie 2016 17:20:26
Problema Potrivirea sirurilor Scor 40
Compilator cpp Status done
Runda Arhiva educationala Marime 2.37 kb
// C++ program for implementation of KMP pattern searching
// algorithm

using namespace std;

ifstream fin("");
ofstream fout("strmatch.out");

string pat,txt;
int k;
vector <int> a;
void computeLPSArray(string pat, int M, int *lps);

// Prints occurrences of txt[] in pat[]
void KMPSearch(string pat, string txt)
    int M = pat.length();
    int N = txt.length();

    // create lps[] that will hold the longest prefix suffix
    // values for pattern
    int lps[M];

    // Preprocess the pattern (calculate lps[] array)
    computeLPSArray(pat, M, lps);

    int i = 0;  // index for txt[]
    int j  = 0;  // index for pat[]
    while (i < N)
        if (pat[j] == txt[i])

        if (j == M)
            //fout <<i-j<<"\n";
            j = lps[j-1];

        // mismatch after j matches
        else if (i < N && pat[j] != txt[i])
            // Do not match lps[0..lps[j-1]] characters,
            // they will match anyway
            if (j != 0)
                j = lps[j-1];
                i = i+1;

// Fills lps[] for given patttern pat[0..M-1]
void computeLPSArray(string pat, int M, int *lps)
    // length of the previous longest prefix suffix
    int len = 0;

    lps[0] = 0; // lps[0] is always 0

    // the loop calculates lps[i] for i = 1 to M-1
    int i = 1;
    while (i < M)
        if (pat[i] == pat[len])
            lps[i] = len;
        else // (pat[i] != pat[len])
            // This is tricky. Consider the example.
            // AAACAAAA and i = 7. The idea is similar
            // to search step.
            if (len != 0)
                len = lps[len-1];

                // Also, note that we do not increment
                // i here
            else // if (len == 0)
                lps[i] = 0;

// Driver program to test above function
int main()
    fin >>pat;
    KMPSearch(pat, txt);
    fout <<a.size()<<endl;
    for(int i=0;i<a.size();i++) fout <<a[i]<<" ";
    return 0;