Cod sursa(job #1752629)

Utilizator Al3ks1002Alex Cociorva Al3ks1002 Data 4 septembrie 2016 18:03:57
Problema Trie Scor 100
Compilator cpp Status done
Runda Arhiva educationala Marime 4.3 kb
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

#define ll long long
#define ld long double
#define pb push_back
#define mp make_pair
#define pii pair<int, int>
#define pll pair<ll, ll>
#define pdd pair<ld, ld>
#define all(x) (x).begin(), (x).end()
#define fi first
#define se second

class Trie {
        Trie(int alphabet_start) : alphabet_start_(alphabet_start) {
            root_ = new Node();

        void AddWord(const string& word) {
            Node* current = root_;
            for (int letter : word) {
                letter -= alphabet_start_;
                if (current->sons_[letter] == nullptr) {
                    current->sons_[letter] = new Node();
                current = current->sons_[letter];

        void DeleteWord(const string& word) {
            vector<Node*> visited_nodes;

            Node* current = root_;
            for (int letter : word) {
                letter -= alphabet_start_;
                // It is guaranteed that the word exists, so we can go without checking.
                current = current->sons_[letter];

            int current_index = (int)word.size() - 1;
            while (visited_nodes.size() > 1) {
                Node* last = visited_nodes.back();
                if (last->count_) {
                Node* father = visited_nodes.back();
                father->sons_[word[current_index--] - alphabet_start_] = nullptr;
                delete last;

        int CountWord(const string& word) const {
            Node* current = root_;
            for (int letter : word) {
                letter -= alphabet_start_;
                if (current->sons_[letter] == nullptr) {
                    return 0;
                current = current->sons_[letter];
            return current->word_count_;

        int FindLongestPrefix(const string& word) const {
            int prefix = 0;
            Node* current = root_;
            for (int letter : word) {
                letter -= alphabet_start_;
                if (current->sons_[letter] == nullptr) {
                    return prefix;
                current = current->sons_[letter];
            return prefix;

        void Clear() {
            Dfs(root_, nullptr, -1);

        ~Trie() {
            delete root_;

        const static int kMaxSons = 26;

        struct Node {
            // How many words finish in this node.
            int word_count_;

            // How many words use this node.
            int count_;

            Node* sons_[kMaxSons];

            Node() {
                word_count_ = 0;
                count_ = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < kMaxSons; i++) {
                    sons_[i] = nullptr;

        void Dfs(Node* node, Node* father, int letter_from_father) {
            int current_letter = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < kMaxSons; i++) {
                Node* son = node->sons_[i];
                if (son != nullptr) {
                    Dfs(son, node, current_letter);

            if (letter_from_father != -1) {
                father->sons_[letter_from_father] = nullptr;
                delete node;

        const int alphabet_start_;
        Node* root_;

int main() {
    ifstream cin("");
    ofstream cout("trie.out");

    Trie trie('a');
    int operation;
    string word;

    while (cin >> operation >> word) {
        switch (operation) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:
            cout << trie.CountWord(word) << '\n';
            cout << trie.FindLongestPrefix(word) << '\n';

    return 0;