Cod sursa(job #1709766)

Utilizator AWinnerInMyHeartSo much untapped power AWinnerInMyHeart Data 28 mai 2016 13:48:55
Problema Robo Scor 0
Compilator cpp Status done
Runda ONIS 2016 - Runda - 2 - ACM ICPC Romanian Programming Contest Marime 9.22 kb
  Copyright Antti Valmari 2012, this commented version 2013.
  This program is from

    Antti Valmari: Fast brief practical DFA minimization,
    Information Processing Letters 112 (2012) 213-217

  You may use and adapt the program for scientific purposes at your own risk,
  but you must give credit to the original author and source. Please negotiate
  with me about uses for other purposes.

  If you do not have access to the above-mentioned publication, please see
  A. Valmari, P. Lehtinen: Efficient minimization of DFAs with partial
  transition functions, Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science,
  2008, pp. 645-656,
  That publication explains part of the background. However, this program is
  much further optimized.

  This program inputs a deterministic finite automaton whose transition
  function is not necessarily full, and outputs the minimal automaton
  accepting the same language. The program also contains the removal of
  irrelevant parts of the DFA.

  This program runs in O(n + m log m) time, where n is the number of states
  and m is the number of defined transitions. If the transitions are given in
  the input such that all transitions with the same label are given together,
  then the transitions with another label, and so on, then the lines
  "#include <algorithm>" and "sort( C.E, C.E+mm, cmp );" can be removed,
  improving the running time to O(n + m log n). These should be compared to
  the running time of Hopcroft's algorithm, which is O(nk log n), where k is
  the size of the alphabet.

  This program is also fast in practice, I believe.

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>

using namespace std;

ifstream fin("");
ofstream fout("robo.out");

/* Refinable ___partition */
int *M, *W, w = 0;  // temporary worksets

struct ___partition
    int z, *E, *L, *S, *F, *P;

    void init( int n )
        z = bool( n );
        E = new int[n];
        L = new int[n];
        S = new int[n];
        F = new int[n];
        P = new int[n];
        for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
            E[i] = L[i] = i;
            S[i] = 0;
        if( z )
            F[0] = 0;
            P[0] = n;

    void mark( int e )
        int s = S[e], i = L[e], j = F[s]+M[s];
        E[i] = E[j];
        L[E[i]] = i;
        E[j] = e;
        L[e] = j;
        if( !M[s]++ )
            W[w++] = s;

    void split()
        while( w )
            int s = W[--w], j = F[s]+M[s];
            if( j == P[s] )
                M[s] = 0;
            if( M[s] <= P[s]-j )
                F[z] = F[s];
                P[z] = F[s] = j;
                P[z] = P[s];
                F[z] = P[s] = j;
            for( int i = F[z]; i < P[z]; ++i )
                S[E[i]] = z;
            M[s] = M[z++] = 0;


B,     // blocks (consist of states)
C;     // cords (consist of transitions)

nn,    // number of states
mm,    // number of transitions
ff,    // number of final states
q0,    // initial state
*T,    // tails of transitions
*L,    // labels of transitions
*H;    // heads of transitions

bool cmp( int i, int j )
    return L[i] < L[j];

/* Adjacent transitions */
int *A, *F;
void make_adjacent( int K[] )
    int q, t;
    for( q = 0; q <= nn; ++q )
        F[q] = 0;
    for( t = 0; t < mm; ++t )
    for( q = 0; q < nn; ++q )F[q+1] += F[q];
    for( t = mm; t--; )
        A[--F[K[t]]] = t;

/* Removal of irrelevant parts */
int rr = 0;   // number of reached states

inline void reach( int q )
    int i = B.L[q];
    if( i >= rr )
        B.E[i] = B.E[rr];
        B.L[B.E[i]] = i;
        B.E[rr] = q;
        B.L[q] = rr++;

void rem_unreachable( int T[], int H[] )
    make_adjacent( T );
    int i, j;
    for( i = 0; i < rr; ++i )
        for( j = F[B.E[i]];
                j < F[B.E[i] + 1]; ++j )
            reach( H[A[j]] );
    j = 0;
    for( int t = 0; t < mm; ++t )
        if( B.L[T[t]] < rr )
            H[j] = H[t];
            L[j] = L[t];
            T[j] = T[t];
    mm = j;
    B.P[0] = rr;
    rr = 0;

struct Test {
    int states;
    int sigma;
    vector <int> finals;
    vector <pair <pair <int, char>, int> > tranzitions;

/* Main program */
void solve(const Test &testul)
     /* Read sizes and reserve most memory */
    //std::cin >> nn >> mm >> q0 >> ff;
    nn = testul.states;
    mm = testul.tranzitions.size();
    q0 = 0;
    ff = testul.finals.size();

    T = new int[ mm ]; L = new int[ mm ];
    H = new int[ mm ]; B.init( nn );
    A = new int[ mm ]; F = new int[ nn+1 ];

    T = new int[ mm ];
    L = new int[ mm ];
    H = new int[ mm ];
    B.init( nn );
    A = new int[ mm ];
    F = new int[ nn+1 ];

    /* Read transitions */
    for( int t = 0; t < mm; ++t )
        //fin >> T[t] >> L[t] >> H[t];

        T[t] = testul.tranzitions[t].first.first;
        L[t] = testul.tranzitions[t].first.second;
        H[t] = testul.tranzitions[t].second;

    /* Remove states that cannot be reached
      from the initial state, and from which
      final states cannot be reached */
    reach( q0 );
    rem_unreachable( T, H );
    for( int i = 0; i < ff; ++i )
        int q = testul.finals[i];
        if( B.L[q] < B.P[0] )
            reach( q );
    ff = rr;
    rem_unreachable( H, T );

    /* Make initial ___partition */
    W = new int[ mm+1 ];
    M = new int[ mm+1];
    M[0] = ff;
    if( ff )
        W[w++] = 0;

    /* Make transition ___partition */
    C.init( mm );
    if( mm )
        sort( C.E, C.E+mm, cmp );
        C.z = M[0] = 0;
        int a = L[C.E[0]];
        for( int i = 0; i < mm; ++i )
            int t = C.E[i];
            if( L[t] != a )
                a = L[t];
                C.P[C.z++] = i;
                C.F[C.z] = i;
                M[C.z] = 0;
            C.S[t] = C.z;
            C.L[t] = i;
        C.P[C.z++] = mm;

    /* Split blocks and cords */
    make_adjacent( H );
    int b = 1, c = 0, i, j;
    while( c < C.z )
        for( i = C.F[c]; i < C.P[c]; ++i )
            B.mark( T[C.E[i]] );
        while( b < B.z )
            for( i = B.F[b]; i < B.P[b]; ++i )
                    j = F[B.E[i]];
                    j < F[B.E[i]+1]; ++j
                    C.mark( A[j] );

    /* Count the numbers of transitions
      and final states in the result */
    int mo = 0, fo = 0;
    for( int t = 0; t < mm; ++t )
        if( B.L[T[t]] == B.F[B.S[T[t]]] )
    for( int b = 0; b < B.z; ++b )
        if( B.F[b] < ff )

   // cout << "E GATA " << endl;
    fout << B.z << '\n';

vector <Test> tests;

void read_finals(vector <int> &finals) {
    string citit;
    getline(fin, citit);

    citit += " ";
    stringstream ss(citit);

    int node;
    while (1) {
        ss >> node;

        if (ss.eof())

int main() {
    int t = 0;
    fin >> t;

    int a;
    char b;
    int bb;
    int c;
    while (1) {
        fin >> a;
        if (fin.eof())


        if (isalpha(fin.peek())) {
            fin >> b >> c;

            tests.back().tranzitions.push_back(make_pair(make_pair(a, b), c));
        else {
            fin >> bb;

            tests.back().states = a;
            tests.back().sigma = bb;


    /*for (int i = 0; i < t; ++ i) {
        cout << "Testul " << i << endl;
        cout << "Are " << tests[i].states << " si alfabet de " << tests[i].sigma << endl;
        cout << "Are si " << tests[i].finals.size() << " fail-uri " << endl;
        for (auto it: tests[i].finals)
            cout << it << ' ';
        cout << endl;

        cout << "Si tranzitii " << endl;
        for (auto it: tests[i].tranzitions)
            cout << it.first.first << ' ' << it.first.second << ' ' << it.second << endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < t; ++ i) {

    return 0;