Cod sursa(job #1489142)

Utilizator iordache.bogdanIordache Ioan-Bogdan iordache.bogdan Data 20 septembrie 2015 17:48:52
Problema Balans Scor 85
Compilator cpp Status done
Runda Arhiva de probleme Marime 4.96 kb
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <deque>

#define DIM 305
#define infile ""
#define outfile "balans.out"

using namespace std;

ofstream fout(outfile);

int n, m, r, c;

int a[DIM][DIM];

long long partialColumnSum[DIM][DIM], aux[DIM];

deque<int> deq;

//The Parser class can be used to optimize the reading of data from a specified path (or with little changes from the console)
class Parser {


	char *buffer; //a string containing a contiguos array of chars from the input file, from this the numerical data would be extracted
	int maxLenBuffer; //the maximum length of the buffer
	int currentBufferIndex; //the current position in the buffer being processed

	std::fstream file; //the stream used to accesses the path


	//no default constructor because the file path and the maxLenBuffer are relevant
	Parser(std::string path, int maxLenBuffer) {

		this->maxLenBuffer = maxLenBuffer;

		this->, std::ios::in);

		buffer = new char[maxLenBuffer];

		//we read the first piece of data
		file.get(buffer, maxLenBuffer, EOF);

		//we set the cursor at position 0
		this->currentBufferIndex = 0;


	//the Parser allows reading any integer numerical type: int, short, long long and their unsigned type
	template<class classType>
	void readNumber(classType &number) {

		number = 0;

		int sign = 1; //for positive/negative numbers;

		char prevChar = 0; //keeps the last processed char

		//skips unusable chars
		while (buffer[currentBufferIndex] < '0' || buffer[currentBufferIndex] > '9') {

			prevChar = buffer[currentBufferIndex];

			//next char

			//if the buffer ends we need to read again in case there is more data in the file
			if (currentBufferIndex == maxLenBuffer - 1) {

				file.get(buffer, maxLenBuffer, EOF);

				currentBufferIndex = 0;



		if (prevChar == '-')
			sign = -1;

		//here the number is built
		while (buffer[currentBufferIndex] >= '0' && buffer[currentBufferIndex] <= '9') {

			number = number * 10 + (buffer[currentBufferIndex] - '0');

			//next char

			//if the buffer ends we need to read again in case there is more data in the file
			if (currentBufferIndex == maxLenBuffer - 1) {

				file.get(buffer, maxLenBuffer, EOF);

				currentBufferIndex = 0;



		if (buffer[currentBufferIndex] == '.') {

			//next char

			//if the buffer ends we need to read again in case there is more data in the file
			if (currentBufferIndex == maxLenBuffer - 1) {

				file.get(buffer, maxLenBuffer, EOF);

				currentBufferIndex = 0;


			classType fractionalExponent = 0.1; //with this we contruct the fractional part of the number

			while (buffer[currentBufferIndex] >= '0' && buffer[currentBufferIndex] <= '9') {

				number = number + fractionalExponent * (buffer[currentBufferIndex] - '0');

				fractionalExponent /= 10.0;

				//next char

				//if the buffer ends we need to read again in case there is more data in the file
				if (currentBufferIndex == maxLenBuffer - 1) {

					file.get(buffer, maxLenBuffer, EOF);

					currentBufferIndex = 0;




		//puts the right sign to the number
		number *= sign;


	//closes the file when an instance of this class is deleted
	~Parser() {




bool check(int value) {

	for (int upRow = 1; upRow <= n; ++upRow) {

		for (int downRow = upRow + r - 1; downRow - upRow + 1 <= n; ++downRow) {

			for (int column = 1; column <= 2 * m; ++column) {

				aux[column] = aux[column - 1] + partialColumnSum[downRow][column] - partialColumnSum[upRow - 1][column] - 1LL * value * (downRow - upRow + 1);



			for (int column = c; column <= 2 * m; ++column) {

				while (!deq.empty() && aux[column - c] <= aux[deq.back()])

				deq.push_back(column - c);

				if (deq.front() < column - m)

				if (aux[column] - aux[deq.front()] >= 0)
					return true;




	return false;


int main() {

	Parser *parser = new Parser(infile, 4000000);



	for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {

		for (int j = 1; j <= m; ++j) {


			a[i + n][j] = a[i + n][j + n] = a[i][j + n] = a[i][j] = a[i][j] * 1000;



	for (int i = 1; i <= 2 * n; ++i) {

		for (int j = 1; j <= 2 * m; ++j) {

			partialColumnSum[i][j] = partialColumnSum[i - 1][j] + a[i][j];



	int solution = 0;

	for (int bit = (1 << 30); bit; bit >>= 1) {

		if (check(solution | bit)) {

			solution |= bit;



	fout << setprecision(3) << fixed << solution / 1000.0;

	return 0;


//Trust me, I'm the Doctor!