Cod sursa(job #1132496)

Utilizator ZeusCatalin Tiseanu Zeus Data 3 martie 2014 15:29:09
Problema Oypara Scor 50
Compilator cpp Status done
Runda Arhiva de probleme Marime 31.5 kb
 Catalin-Stefan Tiseanu
 Pre-written code is assembled from various sources found online.
 Big thanks to the community for that !

// Pre-written code below

using namespace std;

#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <climits>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <deque>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <numeric>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include <unordered_map>

//#define DEBUG

#ifndef NDEBUG
#   define assert_msg(condition, message) \
do { \
if (! (condition)) { \
std::cerr << "Assertion `" #condition "` failed in " << __FILE__ \
<< " line " << __LINE__ << ": " << message << std::endl; \
std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \
} \
} while (false)
#   define ASSERT(condition, message) do { } while (false)

#ifdef DEBUG
#define debug(args...)            {dbg,args; cerr<<endl;}
#define debug(args...)              // Just strip off all debug tokens

template<class T> std::ostream&  operator <<(std::ostream& stream, const vector<T> & v) {
  for (auto el : v)
    stream << el << " ";
  return stream;

template<class T> std::ostream&  operator <<(std::ostream& stream, const vector<vector<T>> & v) {
  for (auto line : v) {
    for (auto el : line)
      stream << el << " ";
    stream << endl;
  return stream;

template<class T, class U> std::ostream&  operator <<(std::ostream& stream, const pair<U, T> & p) {
  stream << "( " << p.first << ", " << p.second << " )";
  return stream;

class debugger {
  template<class T> void output (const T& v) {
    cerr << v << " ";
  template<class T> debugger& operator , (const T& v) {
    return *this;
} dbg;

 template<> void debugger::output (const <vector<vector<int>> & v) {
 for (auto line : v) {
 for (auto el : line)
 cerr << v << " ";
 cerr << endl;

// templates  //

// general
template<typename T> int size(const T& c) { return int(c.size()); }
template<typename T> T abs(T x) { return x < 0 ? -x : x; }
template<typename T> T sqr(T x) { return x*x; }
template<typename T> bool remin(T& x, T y) { if (x <= y) return false; x = y; return true; }
template<typename T> bool remax(T& x, T y) { if (x >= y) return false; x = y; return true; }
template<class T> inline vector<pair<T,int> > factorize(T n)//NOTES:factorize(
{vector<pair<T,int> > R;for (T i=2;n>1;){if (n%i==0){int C=0;for (;n%i==0;C++,n/=i);R.push_back(make_pair(i,C));}
  i++;if (i>n/i) i=n;}if (n>1) R.push_back(make_pair(n,1));return R;}

// strings
template<typename T> string toStr(T x) { stringstream ss; ss << x; return ss.str(); }

// misc
#define EPS             1e-10

// types
typedef long long            int64;
typedef unsigned long long   uint64;

// shortcuts
#define all(_xx)             _xx.begin(), _xx.end()

#define pb                   push_back
#define vi                   vector<int>
#define vvi                  vector<vector<int>>
#define vd                   vector<double>
#define vpii                 vector<pair<int,int> >
#define vpdd                 vector<pair<double,double> >

#define pii                  pair<int,int>
#define pdd                  pair<double, double>
#define pll                  pair<int64, int64>
#define mp(XX, YY)           make_pair(XX, YY)

//#define fi                   first
//#define se                   second
#define X first
#define Y second

#define ll                   long long
#define SS                   stringstream

// for loops
#define re(II, NN)           for (int II(0), _NN(NN); (II) < (NN); ++(II))
#define fod(II, XX, YY)      for (int II(XX), _YY(YY); (II) >= (_YY); --(II))
#define fo(II, XX, YY)       for (int II(XX), _YY(YY); (II) <= (_YY); ++(II))
#define foreach(it,c) for(__typeof((c).begin()) it=(c).begin();it!=(c).end();++it)

// Useful hardware instructions
#define bitcount             __builtin_popcount
#define gcd                  __gcd

// Useful all around
#define checkbit(n,b)        ( (n >> b) & 1)
#define DREP(a)              sort(all(a));a.erase(unique(all(a)),a.end())
#define INDEX(arr,ind)       (lower_bound(all(arr),ind)-arr.begin())
#define PAUSE cerr << "Press any key to continue ..."; char xxxx; scanf("%c", &xxxx);
#define fill(xx,val) memset(xx, val, sizeof(xx))

/////////////////// MISOF'S GEOMETRY LIBRARY ///////////////////////////////////////////////////

/* Surely won't compile with COORD_TYPE integer:
 * size, normalize, left_side_angle
 * (If compiles), won't work properly with COORD_TYPE integer:
 * poly_area, center_of_mass, intersect_*, rotate, distance_*, circumcircle_center

template<class T> void checkmin(T & a, const T & b) { if (b < a) a = b; }
template<class T> void checkmax(T & a, const T & b) { if (b > a) a = b; }

#define COORD_TYPE double // data type used to store the coordinates: %d || %lld || %lf || %Lf
typedef complex<COORD_TYPE> point;
typedef vector<point> polygon; // if used to store a polygon, don't repeat the first vertex

#define EPSILON (1e-4) // epsilon used for computations involving doubles ; dec to 1e-9 for %Lf

#ifndef M_PI // UVa judge doesn't know M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846

#define ABS(x) ({ __typeof(x) _tmp = (x); if (_tmp<0) _tmp = -_tmp; _tmp; })

// safe comparison with 0: is_zero, is_negative, is_positive, signum {{{
bool is_negative(int x) { return x<0; } bool is_zero(int x) { return x==0; } bool is_positive(int x) { return x>0; }
bool is_negative(long long x) { return x<0; } bool is_zero(long long x) { return x==0; } bool is_positive(long long x) { return x>0; }
bool is_negative(double x) { return x < -EPSILON; } bool is_zero(double x) { return fabs(x) <= EPSILON; } bool is_positive(double x) { return x > EPSILON; }
bool is_negative(long double x) { return x < -EPSILON; } bool is_zero(long double x) { return fabsl(x) <= EPSILON; } bool is_positive(long double x) { return x > EPSILON; }
template<class T> int signum(const T &A) { if (is_zero(A)) return 0; if (is_negative(A)) return -1; return 1; }
// }}}
// safe equality test for points {{{
template<class T> bool are_equal(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B) { return is_zero(real(B)-real(A)) && is_zero(imag(B)-imag(A)); }
// }}}
// cross-product, dot_product, square_size (=dot_product(A,A)) for 2D vectors {{{
template<class T> T square_size(const complex<T> &A) { return real(A) * real(A) + imag(A) * imag(A); }
template<class T> T dot_product(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B) { return real(A)*real(B) + imag(A)*imag(B); }
template<class T> T cross_product(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B) { return real(A) * imag(B) - real(B) * imag(A); }
// }}}
// size, normalize for 2D real vectors {{{
template<class T> T size(const complex<T> &A) { return sqrt(real(A) * real(A) + imag(A) * imag(A)); }
template<class T> void normalize(complex<T> &A) { T Asize = size(A); A *= (1/Asize); }
// }}}
// safe colinearity and orientation tests: colinear, clockwise, counterclockwise {{{
template<class T> bool colinear(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B, const complex<T> &C) { return is_zero( cross_product( B-A, C-A )); }
template<class T> bool colinear(const complex<T> &B, const complex<T> &C) { return is_zero( cross_product( B, C )); }

template<class T> bool clockwise(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B, const complex<T> &C) { return is_negative( cross_product( B-A, C-A )); }
template<class T> bool clockwise(const complex<T> &B, const complex<T> &C) { return is_negative( cross_product( B, C )); }

template<class T> bool counterclockwise(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B, const complex<T> &C) { return is_positive( cross_product( B-A, C-A )); }
template<class T> bool counterclockwise(const complex<T> &B, const complex<T> &C) { return is_positive( cross_product( B, C )); }
// }}}

// safe comparison function according to [argument,size]: compare_arg {{{
template<class T> bool compare_arg(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B) {
  // [0,0] ide uplne na zaciatok
  if (are_equal(B,point(0,0))) return 0;
  if (are_equal(A,point(0,0))) return 1;
  // chceme poradie: pod osou x zlava doprava, kladna poloos, nad osou sprava dolava, zaporna poloos
  int sgnA = signum(imag(A));
  int sgnB = signum(imag(B));
  if (sgnA == 0) if (signum(real(A))<0) sgnA = 2;
  if (sgnB == 0) if (signum(real(B))<0) sgnB = 2;
  if (sgnA != sgnB) return (sgnA < sgnB);
  // v ramci polroviny sortime podla clockwise
  if (counterclockwise(A,B)) return 1;
  if (clockwise(A,B)) return 0;
  // a ak sa este nerozhodlo, podla vzdialenosti, blizsie skor
  return (square_size(A) < square_size(B));
// }}}
// safe comparison functions acc. to [x,y] and [y,x]: compare_XY, compare_YX {{{
template<class T> bool compare_XY(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B) { if (!is_zero(real(A)-real(B))) return (is_negative(real(A)-real(B))); return (is_negative(imag(A)-imag(B))); }
template<class T> bool compare_YX(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B) { if (!is_zero(imag(A)-imag(B))) return (is_negative(imag(A)-imag(B))); return (is_negative(real(A)-real(B))); }
// }}}
// bool operator < such that   (a+bi) < (c+di)  <==> [a,b] < [c,d] {{{
template<class T> bool operator < (const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B) { if (real(A) != real(B)) return (real(A) < real(B)); return (imag(A) < imag(B)); }

template<class T> bool operator < (const T &A, const complex<T> &B) { return complex<T>(A) < B; }
template<class T> bool operator < (const complex<T> &A, const T &B) { return A < complex<T>(B); }

template<class T> bool operator > (const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B) { return B < A; }
template<class T> bool operator > (const T &A, const complex<T> &B) { return B < A; }
template<class T> bool operator > (const complex<T> &A, const T &B) { return B < A; }
// }}}
// polygon area: twice_signed_poly_area, poly_area {{{
template<class T> T twice_signed_poly_area(const vector< complex<T> > &V) { T res = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i<V.size(); i++) res += cross_product( V[i], V[(i+1)%V.size()] ); return res; }
template<class T> T poly_area(const vector< complex<T> > &V) { return fabs(0.5 * twice_signed_poly_area(V)); }
// }}}
// compute the center of mass of a polygon: center_of_mass {{{
template<class T> complex<T> center_of_mass(const vector< complex<T> > &V ) {
  complex<T> sum(0,0);
  T twice_area = 0.0;
  for (unsigned i=0; i<V.size(); i++) {
    sum += cross_product( V[i], V[(i+1)%V.size()] ) * ( V[i] + V[(i+1)%V.size()] );
    twice_area += cross_product( V[i], V[(i+1)%V.size()] );
  sum *= 1.0 / (3.0 * twice_area);
  return sum;
// }}}
// compute a CCW convex hull with no unnecessary points: convex_hull {{{
template<class T> vector< complex<T> > convex_hull(vector< complex<T> > V) {
  // handle boundary cases
  if (V.size() == 2) if (are_equal(V[0],V[1])) V.pop_back();
  if (V.size() <= 2) return V;
  // find the bottommost point -- this can be optimized!
  sort(V.begin(), V.end(), compare_YX<COORD_TYPE> );
  complex<T> offset = V[0];
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<V.size(); i++) V[i] -= offset;
  sort(V.begin()+1, V.end(), compare_arg<COORD_TYPE> );
  int count = 2;
  vector<int> hull(V.size()+2);
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<2; i++) hull[i]=i;
  for (unsigned int i=2; i<V.size(); i++) {
    while (count>=2 && !counterclockwise( V[hull[count-2]], V[hull[count-1]], V[i] ) ) count--;
  vector< complex<T> > res;
  for (int i=0; i<count; i++) res.push_back( V[hull[i]] + offset );
  if (res.size()==2) if (are_equal(res[0],res[1])) res.pop_back();
  return res;

// }}}

// safe test whether a point C \in [A,B], C \in (A,B): is_on_segment, is_inside_segment {{{
template<class T> bool is_on_segment(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B, const complex<T> &C) {
  if (!colinear(A,B,C)) return 0;
  return ! is_positive( dot_product(A-C,B-C) );
template<class T> bool is_inside_segment(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B, const complex<T> &C) {
  if (!colinear(A,B,C)) return 0;
  return is_negative( dot_product(A-C,B-C) );
// }}}
// winding number of a poly around a point (not on its boundary): winding_number(pt,poly) {{{
template<class T> int winding_number( const complex<T> &bod, const vector< complex<T> > &V ) {
  int wn = 0;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<V.size(); i++) {
    if (! is_positive( imag(V[i]) - imag(bod) )) {
      if (is_positive( imag(V[(i+1)%V.size()]) - imag(bod) ))
        if (counterclockwise( V[i], V[(i+1)%V.size()], bod ))
    } else {
      if (! is_positive( imag(V[(i+1)%V.size()]) - imag(bod) ))
        if (clockwise( V[i], V[(i+1)%V.size()], bod ))
  return wn;
// }}}

// test whether a point is inside a polygon: is_inside {{{
template<class T> int is_inside( const complex<T> &bod, const vector< complex<T> > &V ) {
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<V.size(); i++) if (is_on_segment(V[i],V[(i+1)%V.size()],bod)) return true;
  return winding_number(bod,V) != 0;
// }}}

// test whether a polygon is convex: is_poly_convex {{{
template<class T> bool is_poly_convex(const vector< complex<T> > &V) {
  int cw=0, ccw=0;
  int N = V.size();
  for (unsigned i=0; i<V.size(); i++) if (clockwise(V[i],V[(i+1)%N],V[(i+2)%N])) { cw=1; break; }
  for (unsigned i=0; i<V.size(); i++) if (counterclockwise(V[i],V[(i+1)%N],V[(i+2)%N])) { ccw=1; break; }
  return (! (cw && ccw));
// }}}
// test whether a polygon is given in clockwise order: is_poly_clockwise {{{
template<class T> bool is_poly_clockwise(const vector< complex<T> > &V) {
  return is_negative(twice_signed_poly_area(V));
// }}}

// intersect lines (A,B) and (C,D), return 2 pts if identical: intersect_line_line {{{
template<class T> vector< complex<T> > intersect_line_line(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B, const complex<T> &C, const complex<T> &D) {
  vector< complex<T> > res;
  complex<T> U = B-A, V = D-C;
  if (colinear(U,V)) { // identical or parallel
    if (colinear(U,C-A)) { res.push_back(A); res.push_back(B); }
    return res;
  // one intersection point
  T k = ( cross_product(C,V) - cross_product(A,V) ) / cross_product(U,V);
  res.push_back(A + k*U);
  return res;
// }}}
// intersect segments [A,B] and [C,D], may return endpoints of a segment: intersect_segment_segment {{{
template<class T> vector< complex<T> > intersect_segment_segment(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B, const complex<T> &C, const complex<T> &D) {
  vector< complex<T> > res;
  complex<T> U = B-A, V = D-C, W = C-A, X = D-A;
  if (colinear(U,V)) { // parallel
                       // check for degenerate cases
    if (are_equal(A,B)) { if (is_on_segment(C,D,A)) res.push_back(A); return res; }
    if (are_equal(C,D)) { if (is_on_segment(A,B,C)) res.push_back(C); return res; }
    // two parallel segments
    if (!colinear(U,W)) return res; // not on the same line
    T ssU = square_size(U), ssW = square_size(W), ssX = square_size(X);
    // does A coincide with C or D?
    if (is_zero(ssW)) {
      if (is_negative(dot_product(U,X))) return res; // B, D on different sides
      if (is_negative(ssU-ssX)) res.push_back(B); else res.push_back(D);
      return res;
    if (is_zero(ssX)) {
      if (is_negative(dot_product(U,W))) return res; // B, C on different sides
      if (is_negative(ssU-ssW)) res.push_back(B); else res.push_back(C);
      return res;
    if (is_inside_segment(C,D,A)) {
      // A is inside CD, intersection is [A,?]
      if (is_positive(dot_product(U,W))) { // B,C on the same side
        if (is_negative(ssU-ssW)) res.push_back(B); else res.push_back(C);
        return res;
      } else { // B,D on the same side
        if (is_negative(ssU-ssX)) res.push_back(B); else res.push_back(D);
        return res;
    } else {
      // segment CD is strictly on one side of A
      if (ssW < ssX) {
        // A_C_D
        if (is_negative(dot_product(U,W))) return res; // B is on the other side
        if (is_negative(ssU-ssW)) return res; // B before C
        if (are_equal(B,C)) { res.push_back(B); return res; }
        if (is_negative(ssU-ssX)) res.push_back(B); else res.push_back(D);
        return res;
      } else {
        // A_D_C
        if (is_negative(dot_product(U,X))) return res; // B is on the other side
        if (is_negative(ssU-ssX)) return res; // B before D
        if (are_equal(B,D)) { res.push_back(B); return res; }
        if (is_negative(ssU-ssW)) res.push_back(B); else res.push_back(C);
        return res;
  // not parallel, at most one intersection point
  T k = ( cross_product(C,V) - cross_product(A,V) ) / cross_product(U,V);
  complex<T> cand = A + k*U;
  if (is_on_segment(A,B,cand) && is_on_segment(C,D,cand)) res.push_back(cand);
  return res;
// }}}
// intersect a poly and a halfplane to the left of [A,B): intersect_poly_halfplane {{{
template<class T> vector< complex<T> > intersect_poly_halfplane(const vector< complex<T> > &V, const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B) {
  int N = V.size();
  vector< complex<T> > res;
  if (N == 0) return res;
  if (N == 1) if (! clockwise(A,B,V[0]) ) return V; else return res;
  for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
    if (! clockwise(A,B,V[i])) res.push_back(V[i]);
    int intersects = 0;
    if (counterclockwise(A,B,V[i])) if (clockwise(A,B, V[(i+1)%N] )) intersects = 1;
    if (clockwise(A,B,V[i])) if (counterclockwise(A,B, V[(i+1)%N] )) intersects = 1;
    if (intersects) res.push_back( intersect_line_line(A,B,V[i], V[(i+1)%N] ));
  return res;
// }}}
// intersect two convex polygons, result is CCW: intersect_cpoly_cpoly {{{
template<class T> vector< complex<T> > intersect_cpoly_cpoly(vector< complex<T> > V1, vector< complex<T> > V2) {
  if (is_poly_clockwise(V1)) reverse(V1.begin(),V1.end());
  if (is_poly_clockwise(V2)) reverse(V2.begin(),V2.end());
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<V2.size(); i++) V1 = intersect_poly_halfplane(V1,V2[i],V2[(i+1) % V2.size() ]);
  return V1;
// }}}
// intersect circles (C1,r1) and (C2,r2), 3 pts returned if \equiv: intersect_circle_circle {{{
template<class T> inline vector< complex<T> > intersect_circle_circle(const complex<T> &C1, T r1, const complex<T> &C2, T r2) {
  vector< complex<T> > res;
  if (are_equal(C1,C2)) {
    // 2x the same point
    if (is_zero(r1) && is_zero(r2)) { res.push_back(C1); return res; }
    // identical circles -- return 3 points
    if (is_zero(r1-r2)) { res.push_back(C1); res.push_back(C1); res.push_back(C1); return res; }
    // no intersection
    return res;
  T d = sqrt(square_size(C2-C1));
  // check for no intersection
  if (is_positive(d-r1-r2) || is_positive(r1-r2-d) || is_positive(r2-r1-d)) return res;
  // check for a single intersection
  if (is_zero(d-r1-r2)) { res.push_back( (1.0/d) * (r1*C2 + r2*C1) ); return res; }
  if (is_zero(r1-r2-d)) { res.push_back( C1 + (r1/d) * (C2-C1) ); return res; }
  if (is_zero(r2-r1-d)) { res.push_back( C2 + (r2/d) * (C1-C2) ); return res; }
  // general case: compute x and y offset of the intersections
  T x = ( d*d - r2*r2 + r1*r1 ) / (2*d);
  T y = sqrt( 4*d*d*r1*r1 - ( d*d - r2*r2 + r1*r1 )*( d*d - r2*r2 + r1*r1 ) ) / (2*d);
  // I = (C1,C2) \cap chord, N = normal vector
  complex<T> I = (1.0/d) * ( (d-x)*C1 + x*C2 );
  complex<T> N( imag(C2-C1), -real(C2-C1) );
  T Nsize = sqrt(square_size(N));
  N = N * (1/Nsize);
  // compute and return the points in lexicographic order
  complex<T> I1 = I + y*N;
  complex<T> I2 = I - y*N;
  if (is_positive(real(I1)-real(I2))) swap(I1,I2);
  if (is_zero(real(I1)-real(I2))) if (is_positive(imag(I1)-imag(I2))) swap(I1,I2);
  return res;
// }}}

// compute distance: point A, line (B,C): distance_point_line {{{
template<class T> T distance_point_line(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B, const complex<T> &C) {
  complex<T> N ( imag(B-C), -real(B-C) );
  T tmp = dot_product(N,B-A);
  return tmp;
// }}}
// compute distance: point A, segment [B,C]: distance_point_segment {{{
template<class T> T distance_point_segment(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B, const complex<T> &C) {
  T res = min( size(B-A), size(C-A) );
  complex<T> N ( imag(B-C), -real(B-C) );
  T tmp = dot_product(N,B-A);
  complex<T> paeta = A - tmp*N;
  if (is_on_segment(B,C,paeta)) checkmin(res, fabs(tmp));
  return res;
// }}}
// compute distance: line (A,B), line (C,D): distance_line_line {{{
template<class T> T distance_line_line(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B, const complex<T> &C, const complex<T> &D) {
  if (!colinear(B-A,D-C)) return 0.0;
  return distance(A,C,D);
// }}}
// compute distance: segment [A,B], line (C,D): distance_segment_line {{{
template<class T> T distance_segment_line(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B, const complex<T> &C, const complex<T> &D) {
  if (! is_positive( cross_product(D-C,A-C) * cross_product(D-C,B-C) )) return 0; // they intersect
  return min( distance(A,C,D), distance(B,C,D) );
// }}}
// compute distance: segment [A,B], segment [C,D]: distance_segment_segment
template<class T> T distance_segment_segment(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B, const complex<T> &C, const complex<T> &D) {
  vector< complex<T> > isect = intersect_segment_segment(A,B,C,D);
  if (isect.size()) return 0; // they intersect
  T res =  min(min(distance_point_segment(A,C,D), distance_point_segment(B,C,D)),
               min(distance_point_segment(C,A,B), distance_point_segment(D,A,B)));
  return res;
// }}}

// circumcircle center for three points A,B,C (even colinear): {{{
template<class T> complex<T> circumcircle_center(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B, const complex<T> &C) {
  T a = 0, bx = 0, by = 0;
  a += real(A) * imag(B) + real(B) * imag(C) + real(C) * imag(A);
  a -= real(B) * imag(A) + real(C) * imag(B) + real(A) * imag(C);
  if (is_zero(a)) { if (is_on_segment(A,B,C)) return 0.5*(A+B); if (is_on_segment(A,C,B)) return 0.5*(A+C); return 0.5*(B+C); }
  bx += square_size(A) * imag(B) + square_size(B) * imag(C) + square_size(C) * imag(A);
  bx -= square_size(B) * imag(A) + square_size(C) * imag(B) + square_size(A) * imag(C);
  by -= square_size(A) * real(B) + square_size(B) * real(C) + square_size(C) * real(A);
  by += square_size(B) * real(A) + square_size(C) * real(B) + square_size(A) * real(C);
  return complex<T> ( bx / (2*a) , by / (2*a) );
// }}}

// rotate(point,center,CCW angle): {{{
template<class T> complex<T> rotate_point(const complex<T> &bod, const complex<T> &stred, T uhol) {
  complex<T> mul(cos(uhol),sin(uhol)); return ((bod-stred)*mul)+stred;
// }}}
// rotate(poly,center,CCW angle): {{{
template<class T> vector< complex<T> > rotate_poly(vector< complex<T> > V, const complex<T> &stred, T uhol) {
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<V.size(); i++) V[i] = rotate_point(V[i],stred,uhol); return V;
// }}}

// angle on the left side of B in polyline A->B->C: left_side_angle {{{
template<class T> T left_side_angle(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B, const complex<T> &C) {
  double a1 = atan2( imag(A-B), real(A-B) );
  double a2 = atan2( imag(C-B), real(C-B) );
  double u = a1 - a2;
  if (u < 0) u += 2*M_PI;
  if (u >= 2*M_PI) u -= 2*M_PI;
  return u;
// }}}

// from here down added by Catalin-Stefan Tiseanu

// put a point X in Ax + By + C = 0
template<class T> T inline point_in_line(const complex<T> &P, const T &A, const T &B, const T &C) {
  return A * real(P) + B * imag(P) + C;

// sign of a line
template<class T> inline int line_sign(const complex<T> & P, const T & A, const T &  B, const T &  C) {
  return signum(A * real(P) + B * imag(P) + C);

// get coefficients of a line from two points (i.e Ax + By + C = 0)
template <class T> inline void get_line_coef(const complex<T> & P1, const complex<T> & P2, T &A, T &B, T &C ) {
  A = imag(P1 - P2);
  B = real(P2 - P1);
  C = cross_product(P1, P2);
  if (A < -EPSILON)
    A = -A, B = -B, C = -C;

// get a point X on line (A, B) st. XB / XA = t
template<class T> complex<T> inline point_from_line(const complex<T> &A, const complex<T> &B, long double t) {
  return A + (B - A) * t;

// get distance from point U to convex polygon ch
inline double distance_point_polygon(const point & U, const vector<point> & ch) {
  double res = 1e20;

  re (i, size(ch) - 1)
    checkmin(res, distance_point_segment(U, ch[i], ch[i+1]));
  checkmin(res, distance_point_segment(U, ch.front(), ch.back()));
  for (auto vertex : ch)
    checkmin(res, size(vertex - U));
  return res;


struct Scanner {
  char* curPos;
  const static int BUF_SIZE = 2*(1<<20);
  char input[BUF_SIZE];
  FILE * fin;
  void init(FILE * _fin) {
    fin = _fin;
    fread(input, 1, sizeof(input), fin);
    curPos = input;
  Scanner() {;}
  inline void ensureCapacity() {
    int size = input + BUF_SIZE - curPos;
    if (size < 100) {
      memcpy(input, curPos, size);
      fread(input + size, 1, BUF_SIZE - size, fin);
      curPos = input;
  inline int nextInt() {
    while (!isdigit(*curPos))
    int res = 0;
    while (*curPos >= '0' && *curPos <= '9')
      res = res * 10 + (*(curPos++) & 15);
    return res;
  inline char nextChar() {
    while (*curPos <= ' ')
    return *(curPos++);
} Sc;

const string filein = "";
const string fileout = "oypara.out";

#define MAX_N 100111

int N;
polygon lower, upper, lower_hull, upper_hull;

// used to test if a line throgh U and V intersects the interior of the polygon ch
inline int same_side(const point & U, const point & V, const polygon & ch, int & side) {
  int neg(0), pos(0);
  side = 0;
  double A, B, C;
  get_line_coef(U, V, A, B, C);
  re (i, size(ch)) {
    int s = signum(line_sign(ch[i], A, B, C));
    if (is_negative(s)) {++neg; side = -1; }
    if (is_positive(s)) {++pos; side = 1; }
    if (pos && neg)
      return 0;
  return 1;

// index of the closest point in <from> to the polygon <to>
inline int closest_point_to_polygon(const polygon & from, const polygon & to) {
  double res = 1e20;
  int best_index = -1;

  re (i, size(from)) {
    double cur_dist = distance_point_polygon(from[i], to);
    //debug("dist:", from[i], "to:", to, cur_dist);
    debug("dist", from[i], cur_dist);
    if (cur_dist < res) {
      res = cur_dist;
      best_index = i;
  return best_index;

inline bool try_pair(const point & A, const point & B, const polygon & p1, const polygon &p2, pair<point, point> & line) {
  debug("try ", A, B);
  if (are_equal(A, B))
    return false;
  int s1(0), s2(0);
  if (same_side(A, B, p2, s1)) {
    if (!same_side(A, B, p1, s2))
      return false;
    if (s1 != s2 || (s1 * s2 == 0)) {
      line = mp(A, B);
      return true;
  return false;

bool try_candidates(int index_1, int index_2, const polygon & p1, const polygon & p2, pair<point,point> & line){
  int n_p1 = size(p1), n_p2 = size(p2);
  fo (d1, -2, 2) fo (d2, -2, -2) {
    int index_1a = (3 * n_p1 + d1 + index_1) % n_p1;
    int index_1b = (index_1 + n_p1 + 1) % n_p1;
    int index_2a = (3 * n_p2 + d2 + index_2) % n_p2;
    int index_2b = (index_2 + n_p2 + 1) % n_p2;
    if (are_equal(p1[index_1a], p2[index_2a]))
    int s1 = 0, s2 = 0;
    point A = p1[index_1a], B = p2[index_2a];
    if (same_side(A, B, p2, s1)) {
      if (!same_side(A, B, p1, s2))
      if (s1 != s2 || (s1 * s2 ==0)) {
        line = mp(A, B);
        return true;
  return false;

inline bool try_closest(int index1, int index2, const polygon & p1, const polygon & p2, pair<point, point> & line) {
  double res1 = 1e20, res2 = 1e20;
  int pair_1 = -1, pair_2 = -1;
  int n_p1 = size(p1), n_p2 = size(p2);
  re (i, size(p2)) {
    double cur_dist = distance_point_segment(p1[index1], p2[i], p2[(i + 1) % size(p2)]);
    if (cur_dist < res1) {
      res1 = cur_dist;
      pair_1 = i;
  re (i, size(p1)) {
    double cur_dist = distance_point_segment(p2[index2], p1[i], p1[(i+1) % size(p1)]);
    if (cur_dist < res2) {
      res2 = cur_dist;
      pair_2 = i;
  fo (d, -1, 1) {
    if (try_pair(p1[(index1 + n_p1 + d)  % n_p1], p1[(index1 + n_p1 + d + 1) % n_p1], p1, p2, line))
      return true;

    if (try_pair(p2[(index2 + n_p2 + d)  % n_p2], p2[(index2 + n_p2 + d + 1) % n_p2], p1, p2, line))
      return true;
    if (try_pair(p1[(pair_2 + n_p1 + d) % n_p1], p1[(pair_2 + n_p1 + d + 1) % n_p1], p1, p2, line))
      return true;
    if (try_pair(p2[(pair_1 + n_p2 + d)  % n_p2], p2[(pair_1 + n_p2 + d + 1) % n_p2], p1, p2, line))
      return true;
  if (try_candidates(index1, pair_1, p1, p2, line))
    return true;
  if (try_candidates(pair_2, index2, p1, p2, line))
    return true;
  return false;

bool brute_test(const polygon & p1, const polygon & p2, pair<point,point> & line) {
  bool ok = false;
  re (i, size(p1))
    if (try_candidates(i, p1, p2, line)) {
      debug("on lower", p1[i], p1[(i + 1) % (size(p1))]);
      debug("dists:", distance_point_polygon(p1[i], p2), distance_point_polygon(p1[(i + 1) % (size(p1))], p2));
      //return true;
      ok = true;
  re (i, size(p2))
    if (try_candidates(i, p2, p1, line)) {
      debug("on upper", p2[i], p2[(i + 1) % (size(p2))]);
      debug("dists:", distance_point_polygon(p2[i], p1), distance_point_polygon(p2[(i + 1) % (size(p2))], p1));
      ok = true;
  //    return true;

  return false;

pair<point, point> solve() {
  if (size(lower) == 1) {
    return mp(lower.front(), upper.front());
  pair<point, point> line;
  lower_hull = convex_hull(lower);
  upper_hull = convex_hull(upper);
  //debug("upper hull:", upper_hull);
  //debug("lower hull:", lower_hull);
  //brute_test(lower_hull, upper_hull, line);
  //return line;
  // find closest point in lower_hull relative to upper_hull

  int closest_lower = closest_point_to_polygon(lower_hull, upper_hull);
  int closest_upper = closest_point_to_polygon(upper_hull, lower_hull);
  int n_lower = size(lower_hull);
  int n_upper = size(upper_hull);
  if (try_closest(closest_lower, closest_upper, lower_hull, upper_hull, line))
    return line;
  debug("closest in lower to upper:", lower_hull[closest_lower], distance_point_polygon(lower_hull[closest_lower], upper_hull));
  debug("closest in upper to lower:", upper_hull[closest_upper], distance_point_polygon(upper_hull[closest_upper], lower_hull));
  if (try_candidates(closest_lower, closest_upper, lower_hull, upper_hull, line))
    return line;
  assert(size(lower) == 1 || size(upper) == 1);
  return mp(lower_hull[rand() % n_lower], upper_hull[rand() % n_upper]);

int main() {
  //FILE * fin = fopen("", "r");
  FILE * fin = fopen(filein.c_str(), "r");
  FILE * fout = fopen(fileout.c_str(), "w");
  N = Sc.nextInt();
  lower.reserve(N + 1);
  upper.reserve(N + 1);
  int last_x = -1, all_vertical = 1;
  pair<point, point> line;
  fo (i, 1, N) {
    int x = Sc.nextInt(), y1 = Sc.nextInt(), y2 = Sc.nextInt();
    lower.pb(point(x, y1));
    upper.pb(point(x, y2));
    if (i == 1) {
      last_x = x;
    } else {
      if (x != last_x)
        all_vertical = 0;
  if (all_vertical) {
    line = mp(point(last_x, 0), point(last_x, 1));
  } else {
    line = solve();
  //debug("line:", line);
  fprintf(fout, "%d %d %d %d\n", (int)(real(line.first) + EPSILON),
                                 (int)(imag(line.first) + EPSILON),
                                 (int)(real(line.second) + EPSILON),
                                 (int)(imag(line.second) + EPSILON));
  return 0;