Cod sursa(job #1033056)

Utilizator ericptsStavarache Petru Eric ericpts Data 16 noiembrie 2013 13:32:15
Problema Flux maxim Scor 100
Compilator cpp Status done
Runda Arhiva educationala Marime 4.03 kb
#include <stdio.h>

#define N 2007  // Number of nodes
#define oo 1000000000 // Infinity

// Nodes, Arcs, the source node and the sink node
int n, m, source, sink;

// Matrixes for maintaining
// Graph and Flow
int G[N][N], F[N][N];

int pi[N];  // predecessor list
int CurrentNode[N]; // Current edge for each node

int queue[N];  // Queue for reverse BFS

int d[N];  // Distance function
int numbs[N];  // numbs[k] is the number of nodes i with d[i]==k

// Reverse breadth-first search
// to establish distance function d
int rev_BFS()  {
  int i, j, head(0), tail(0);

  // Initially, all d[i]=n
  for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    numbs[ d[i] = n ] ++;

  // Start from the sink
  d[sink] = 0;

  queue[ ++tail ] = sink;

  // While queue is not empty
  while( head != tail )  {
    i = queue[++head];  // Get the next node

    // Check all adjacent nodes
    for(j = 1; j <= n; j++)  {

      // If it was reached before or there is no edge
      // then continue
      if(d[j] < n || G[j][i] == 0)  continue;

      // j is reached first time
      // put it into queue
      queue[ ++tail ] = j;

      // Update distance function
      d[j] = d[i] + 1;


  return 0;

// Augmenting the flow using predecessor list pi[]
int Augment()  {
  int i, j, tmp, width(oo);

  // Find the capacity of the path
  for(i = sink, j = pi[i]; i != source; i = j, j = pi[j])  {
    tmp = G[j][i];
    if(tmp < width)  width = tmp;

  // Augmentation itself
  for(i = sink, j = pi[i]; i != source; i = j, j = pi[j])  {
    G[j][i] -= width;  F[j][i] += width;
    G[i][j] += width;  F[i][j] -= width;

  return width;

// Relabel and backtrack
int Retreat(int &i)  {
  int tmp;
  int j, mind(n-1);

  // Check all adjacent edges
  // to find nearest
  for(j=1; j <= n; j++)
    // If there is an arc
    // and j is "nearer"
    if(G[i][j] > 0 && d[j] < mind)
      mind = d[j];

  tmp = d[i];  // Save previous distance

  // Relabel procedure itself
  d[i] = 1 + mind;

  // Backtrack, if possible (i is not a local variable! )
  if( i != source )  i = pi[i];

  // If numbs[ tmp ] is zero, algorithm will stop
  return numbs[ tmp ];

// Main procedure
int find_max_flow()  {
  int flow(0), i, j;

  rev_BFS();  // Establish exact distance function

  // For each node current arc is the first arc
  for(i=1; i<=n; i++)  CurrentNode[i] = 1;

  // Begin searching from the source
  i = source;

  // The main cycle (while the source is not "far" from the sink)
  for( ; d[source] < n ; )  {

    // Start searching an admissible arc from the current arc
    for(j = CurrentNode[i]; j <= n; j++)
      // If the arc exists in the residual network
      // and if it is an admissible
      if( G[i][j] > 0 && d[i] == d[j] + 1 )
        // Then finish searhing

    // If the admissible arc is found
    if( j <= n )  {
      CurrentNode[i] = j;  // Mark the arc as "current"
      pi[j] = i;  //  j is reachable from i
      i = j;  // Go forward

      // If we found an augmenting path
      if( i == sink )  {
        flow += Augment();  // Augment the flow
        i = source;  // Begin from the source again
    // If no an admissible arc found
    else  {
      CurrentNode[i] = 1;  // Current arc is the first arc again

      // If numbs[ d[i] ] == 0  then the flow is the maximal
      if( Retreat(i) == 0 )


  } // End of the main cycle

  // We return flow value
  return flow;

// The main function
// Graph is represented in input as triples <from, to, capacity>

// No comments here
int main()  {
  freopen("", "r", stdin);
  int i, p, q, r;

  scanf("%d %d", &n, &m);
  source = 1,sink = n;
  for(i = 0; i < m; i++)  {
    scanf("%d %d %d", &p, &q, &r);
    G[p][q] += r;
  freopen("maxflow.out", "w", stdout);
  printf("%d", find_max_flow());

  return 0;