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Ajutor Subiect: Programming Pearls de Jon Bentley - Care dintre ele?  (Citit de 1649 ori)
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« : Februarie 19, 2012, 22:11:59 »

Dintre cei care ati citit/v-ati uitat peste Programming Pearls de Jon Bentley, care credeti ca e mai buna, prima sau a doua editie?

Eu am cautat a doua editie pe net si am gasit doua variante (link mai jos). A doua pare publicata mai recent (dec. 2006). Este vreo diferenta intre cele doua de mai jos (in afara de data publicarii - diferente de continut)?

P.S.: Se mai gaseste cartea Programarea in limbajul C/C++ pentru liceu. Volumul al III-lea pe undeva? Am cautat-o pe net si nu am gasit-o. Daca stiti ceva librarii sau magazine unde se gaseste va rog sa imi spuneti.

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« Răspunde #1 : Februarie 20, 2012, 13:33:40 »

Am doar editia a doua, dar uite o parte din prefata:

To Reders of the First Edition

I hope that your first response as you thumb through this edition of the book is, "This sure looks familiar." A few minutes later, I hope that you'll observe, "I've never seen that before."

This version has the same focus as the first edition, but is set in a larger context. Computing has grown sunstantially in important areas such as databases, networking and user interfaces. [...] This book is a larger fish in a much larger pond.

One section from old Column 4 on implementing binary search grew into new Column 5 on testing, debugging and timing. [...] New Column 15 is about string problems. Many sections have been inserted into the old columns, and other sections were deleted along the way. With new problems, new solutions, and four new appendices, this edition of the book is 25 percent longer.

Edit: Sunt idiot. In loc sa tastez atat puteam sa-ti dau linkul asta
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