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1  infoarena - concursuri, probleme, evaluator, articole / Algoritmiada 2016 / Răspuns: Cuplaje : Aprilie 10, 2016, 10:06:00
pe testul din enunt
"Al doilea băiat este de acord cu orice fată" .

Nu doar cu fetele care au frumusetea <=3 ? gen cu a 4-a nu ar vrea sa se cupleze ?
2  Comunitate - feedback, proiecte si distractie / Blog / Răspuns: Problem: Prime Number Generator : Ianuarie 25, 2016, 11:09:43
My idea is a combination between the way STL <vector> is built  and the  Erathostene sieve ideea

Lets consider the all numbers in the interval 1..2^32
Lets create 32 bins in the following manner:
The bin with index i holds the values  1..2^i   .( example: bin number 16 holds the values 1,2,3...2^16)

Lets  define the folowing method :

vector<int> Erathostenes (Max_Value)
   ..../// here it finds all the primes in the interval 1..Max_Value using the Erathostenes sieve
   .../// it returns a <vector> int with all the primes in the interval 1..Max_Value

as we get a new query , we might "move" into a new bin (ie: a bin with a bigger index) (indexes range from 1 to 32)
each time we move in a new bin we refresh our prime list callling the above method

The amortized running time is NlogN.
The worst case is also NlogN , because when we first get into a new bin we do NlogN operations
but all the other numbers that don't belong to the begining of a bin are accesed in constant time

3  Comunitate - feedback, proiecte si distractie / Blog / Răspuns: Problem: Prime Number Generator : Ianuarie 25, 2016, 09:08:09
is extra memory allowed?
4  infoarena - concursuri, probleme, evaluator, articole / Algoritmiada 2016 / Răspuns: Revsecv : Ianuarie 24, 2016, 12:17:03
ce se intelege prin disjuncte? disjuncte ca si string ? sau ca si pozitii?

gen ababa

pozitile 1-3 si 3-5 sunt ok (adica coincid) ??
5  Comunitate - feedback, proiecte si distractie / Blog / Răspuns: Problem: Resource hog : Ianuarie 08, 2016, 14:57:13
nice task ! , here is my ideea:

keep (32) or (64)  maps , (ie: map< pair<string,int> > bin[32] , lets call this "bins"

now we map each integer X to the closest bin with index i , such that 2^i <=X
ex: 35 gets mapped to bin[5] because 2^5<=32 . so we do bin[5].push_back(X);

case 1: How we handle an update  , lets say we add 1 new user , now we need to binary search its matching "bin" , but the binary search is on values 0..32 so log(32)~loglog(X)~5-6 operations

case 2: when we update an already present user , we search its "bin" position using the above binary search, we remove it in O(1) since removal from a Map is O(1) using Hashes, then we re-insert it like in the case 1

 NOTE : each time we do an update , we keep for each "bin" a bit which is 0 if the bin is empty or 1 if the bin is occupied by atleast 1 user
 We can store all the values of the bits as a 32 bit integer (as we got a total of 32 bits)
 Lets call this integer Q;

case 3: we are facing an query :
 what we need to do is to find the bin with the greater index such that its NOT empty
 this relates to finding the least semnificant bit of integer Q  ; lsb(Q)  = (Q ^ (Q-1)) & Q
 so we know the biggest-index "bin" that is not empty , and we can just print any element from it .

 So the query part takes O(1)

 We will be off by a factor of at most 2 because of the way we are mapping the integers.

the complexity is O(log(log(32)))+O(1) ~ is preety close to O(1)

6  infoarena - concursuri, probleme, evaluator, articole / Algoritmiada 2015 / Răspuns: Feedback Runda 3 : Iunie 27, 2015, 18:23:54
[Editat de moderator]
7  infoarena - concursuri, probleme, evaluator, articole / Algoritmiada 2015 / Răspuns: Diametru : Iunie 27, 2015, 10:24:08
solutia mea a fost evaluata dar primesc doar 50p pe pretest , asta inseamna ca mai e un pretest sau ca nu am indeplinit decat cerinta

450 - veti primi 50 de puncte
8  infoarena - concursuri, probleme, evaluator, articole / Algoritmiada 2015 / Răspuns: Feedback Runda 2 : Iunie 24, 2015, 11:17:33
ni ba , daca tot pica inainte de bac algoritmiada r 3 rog propunatorii de probleme sa creeze enunturi care au legatura cu operele de bac
 (enigma otiliei, morometii , floare albastra , plumb , sau ultima noapte ) poate asa o sa trec si eu Smile multumiri . Very Happy
9  Comunitate - feedback, proiecte si distractie / Blog / Răspuns: Shortest Snippet : Iunie 13, 2015, 21:56:22
Oh , yes you dont need the sqrt root trick actualy , i am tired lol

3rd ideea.
Create a List of length T with indices 1...len(T) lets call it V;

sort it using the folowing comparition function pair<T,i> (first we compare by the character and then by the position)

now , when i need "to jump" just like in sol 1 i can binary-search my next position in Vector A;

Time : O(T*P*log(T)) Memory O(T)

10  Comunitate - feedback, proiecte si distractie / Blog / Răspuns: Shortest Snippet : Iunie 13, 2015, 21:39:32
Hey,  are 2 of my ideeas, the first one works in T*P time and memory

The second one is slower than the first one , but uses only O(T) memory;


The first ideea is kind of a brute-forces , try to match the string P at every position of T

 the question that arises is :

 i matched X characters of P , and i am at position i now , where is the closest position J such that J>i and P[X+1]=T[J];
 in other words where do i need to "jump" next.

 we can keep a matrix which looks kind of : Next [ T ][ SigmaP ] where is the closest position that i need;
 so that way we can achieve O(T*P) time and memory


  second ideea optimizes the memory but runs slower :
  Again , we try the same thing try to match the string P at every position of T

  How to get rid o matrix Next[][]?

  well first i divide string T into sqrt(n) "chunks"
  for each chunk , i create a list of pair<character_at_position,position> and sort the list;
  now i can make the folowing query on a chunk , does character C exist in the chunk? if so where is the smallest index that i need (the one that is higher than the character i just mathed)

   this can be done by a binary search
The time complexity looks bad  lol , but atleast i improved the memory, i will think of a better ideea later;

11  infoarena - concursuri, probleme, evaluator, articole / ONIS 2015 / Răspuns: Feedback Runda 3 : Aprilie 21, 2015, 09:29:20
e blat
12  infoarena - concursuri, probleme, evaluator, articole / ONIS 2015 / Răspuns: Feedback Runda 3 : Aprilie 20, 2015, 07:37:22
bagati in arhiva probeleme plz Very Happy

edit: acuma am observat ca erau deja in arhiva  ACM , leam cautat in arhiva de probleme lol)
13  infoarena - concursuri, probleme, evaluator, articole / Urmasii lui Moisil 2015 / Răspuns: Problema Naveplanare : Martie 21, 2015, 13:04:47
In cat timp o sa se afiseze rezultatele la varianta online?
14  infoarena - concursuri, probleme, evaluator, articole / Algoritmiada 2015 / Răspuns: Feedback Runda 2 : Martie 08, 2015, 14:15:06
o fost dragu problemele chiar daca nu mam prins de iele , felicitrari comisiei, #FLC
15  infoarena - concursuri, probleme, evaluator, articole / Algoritmiada 2015 / Răspuns: Feedback Runda 2 : Martie 08, 2015, 14:05:00
o sa fie disponibil si clasamentul pertotal (cele 2 runde) sau e doar pt inspectori ?
16  infoarena - concursuri, probleme, evaluator, articole / Algoritmiada 2015 / Răspuns: Twosets : Martie 08, 2015, 10:09:02
nu pricep enuntul , e in baza 2 sau in 10 pana la urma Huh
la testul al doilea la un moment dat am impresia ca se adauga o cifra de 7 si se tipareste , cum pot sa ajunga cele doua multimi egale din moment ce primul sir nu are nici o cifra de 7 ?
17  infoarena - concursuri, probleme, evaluator, articole / Algoritmiada 2015 / Răspuns: Perioada 01 : Decembrie 07, 2014, 11:16:25
101 e periodic? (are perioada 2)
18  infoarena - concursuri, probleme, evaluator, articole / Concursuri / Răspuns: BOI 2014 : August 14, 2014, 23:31:17
Felicitari !!!! Very Happy aveti valore multa  Very Happy
19  infoarena - concursuri, probleme, evaluator, articole / Concursuri / Răspuns: ACM ICPC WF 2014 : Iunie 24, 2014, 22:55:10
multa valuare sa aveti  Winner 1st place
20  Comunitate - feedback, proiecte si distractie / Blog / Răspuns: Probability shortlist : Iunie 19, 2014, 09:09:11
5)  Assign to each element a random key , keep a heap with the biggest K pair<key,value> as we iterate trough the elements.
21  infoarena - concursuri, probleme, evaluator, articole / Concursuri / Răspuns: CEOI 2014 : Iunie 18, 2014, 21:08:39
succesuri  Very Happy
22  Comunitate - feedback, proiecte si distractie / Blog / Răspuns: Probability shortlist : Iunie 18, 2014, 10:52:26
1) If we toss the coin 1/p times we will get a head. If we toss the coin (1/p)/2 we get 50% chance of getting a head so if we toss it 1/(p*2) times and we dont get a head we consider it a 0 otherwise 1.

Also i dont understand 5) what do you mean by stream of integers ? it means that you dont know how many integers you got and you keep reading them?
like a while (f>>X) ?

and also i dont get what problem 6 ) wants . the expected time?

and at problem 7 . I need to come up with a formula or an algorithm ?

My english is no very good so im sorry if this questions look stupid

23  Comunitate - feedback, proiecte si distractie / Blog / Răspuns: Probability shortlist : Iunie 18, 2014, 10:26:07
Im not used to this type of problems so if my solution look bad im sorry lol ))

2. If we substract 1 from the function result we can get a random number betwen 0 and 4 , if we use the function 6 times ,and we get a and we look at the results as a  6 digits number in Base 5 we get a random number betwen  0 and (5^6-1) .  The number (5^6-1) is divisible by 7 so if we take the remainder of the result dividing by number 7 we get a random number betwen 0 and 6 . If we add 1 here is our answer.

3. Generate a random real number between 0 and 2pi , then generate the a random number betwen 0 and R.(the angle and the distance from the point x,y) from here you can find the point using some math formulas wich i dont know Very Happy.

Lets substract 1 from every element of the permutation for simplicy we will add 1 at the final result to get our answer.

Generate a random number betwen 0 and (n!-1).  Lets call it X.

There are exactly n! permutations and exactly n! X's so for each number X we can map only one permutation.

One way of finding the first element of the permutation is
  A.1= X/(n-1) ! (integer part of it )

once we found the first elemenent we then substract A.1*(n-1)! from X and we repeat the above step till we find all digits.
24  Comunitate - feedback, proiecte si distractie / Blog / Răspuns: Probability shortlist : Iunie 18, 2014, 09:18:13
what do you mean by "fair" 0 and 1 result??
25  infoarena - concursuri, probleme, evaluator, articole / Infoarena Monthly 2014 / Răspuns: Basequery : Martie 28, 2014, 20:00:18
Intrebarea mea e aceiasi ca a lui radu , putem adauga zerouri in fata numarului Ai???
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