Diferente pentru blog/square-root-trick intre reviziile #92 si #91

Nu exista diferente intre titluri.

Diferente intre continut:

p. Here is an update example:
!<{margin-right: 20px; auto;display:block;}blog/square-root-trick?image01.png!
p. In $update(6, 5)$ we have to change $A&#91;6&#93;$ to 5 which results in changing the value of $S[1]$ to keep $S$ up to date.
p. In $update(6, 5)$ we have to change A[6] to 5 which results in changing the value of $S[1]$ to keep $S$ up to date.
!<{margin-right: 20px; auto;display:block;}blog/square-root-trick?image00.png!

Nu exista diferente intre securitate.

Topicul de forum nu a fost schimbat.