Diferente pentru blog/cum-sa-scrii-un-cv intre reviziile #9 si #8

Nu exista diferente intre titluri.

Diferente intre continut:

** Nu e nevoie de hobbiuri.
** Nu e nevoie de limbi straine daca stiti doar romana si engleza.
Un exemplu:
Un examplu:
John Doe
* Personal Information
** Address: xxx, Bucuresti, Romania
** Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
** Email: [email protected]
* Education
Personal Information
Address: xxx, Bucuresti, Romania
Phone:	xxx-xxx-xxxx
Email:	[email protected]
Informatics Faculty, Bucuresti University, 9/10 GPA 10th out of 200 students.
* Work	experience
** Summer 2010: Software Engineer Intern Adobe, Bucharest
Work	experience
Summer	2010: Software Engineer Intern Adobe, Bucharest
Contributed 8000 lines of C++ production code on a data processing pipeline for their image recognition service.
* Personal projects:
Personal projects:
Implemented a poker playing game website on the LAMP stack. It has 1000 daily active users.
* Skills:
** C++ industry experience
** Java, Python, PHP  school projects
** data structure and algorithms - programming contests experience
** compilers, databases, distributed systems - school projects
* Awards
** 2010 – 3rd team in Microsoft Imagine Cup Romania, Software development division
** 2009 - 5th team in ACM ICPC South East Europe Regional.
C++ industry experience
Java, Python, PHP  school projects
data structure and algorithms - programming contests experience
compilers, databases, distributed systems - school projects
2010 – 3rd team in Microsoft Imagine Cup Romania, Software development division
2009 - 5th team in ACM ICPC South East Europe Regional.
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Nu exista diferente intre securitate.

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