Diferente pentru blog/combinatorics-shortlist intre reviziile #35 si #36

Nu exista diferente intre titluri.

Diferente intre continut:

# Given a permutation of numbers 1 to n, what's the minimum number of swaps one can use to get to the identity permutation.
# ('infoarena':problema/perm2) Given a permutation p what's the minimum k so that p^k(i) = i for all i in {1..n}.
# (romanian ioi selection 99, topcoder 2004, 'infoarena':problema/perm5) Find a permutation p of n elements which maximizes k so that p^k(i) = i for all i in {1..n}.
# [1] 6 people are at a party. Each two persons can be either friends or enemies. Prove that there is at least a group of three mutual friends or a group of three mutual enemies.
# ([1]) 6 people are at a party. Each two persons can be either friends or enemies. Prove that there is at least a group of three mutual friends or a group of three mutual enemies.
# (acm.sgu.ru) How many length n black/white circular necklaces are there? (babb is the same with bbab because the first necklace can be rotated to align with the second one)

Nu exista diferente intre securitate.

Topicul de forum nu a fost schimbat.