Cod sursa(job #443123)

Utilizator tomescu_alinTomescu Alin tomescu_alin Data 16 aprilie 2010 06:08:21
Problema Floyd-Warshall/Roy-Floyd Scor 100
Compilator cpp Status done
Runda Arhiva educationala Marime 1.73 kb
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

typedef unsigned long ulong;

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) 
	const char * inFile = "";
	const char * outFile = "royfloyd.out";
	ifstream fin(inFile);
	ofstream fout(outFile);
	#ifndef NDEBUG
		if(!fin || !fout)
			cerr << "Error opening one of \"" << inFile << "\" or \"" << outFile << "\"" << endl;
			return -1;
	 *	Read the data in.
	ulong numVertices;
	fin >> numVertices;
	ulong costMatrix[numVertices + 1][numVertices + 1];
	for(ulong i = 1; i <= numVertices; i++)
		for(ulong j = 1; j <= numVertices; j++)
			fin >> costMatrix[i][j];
	 *	Solve the problem.
	for(ulong k = 1; k <= numVertices; k++)
		for(ulong i = 1; i <= numVertices; i++)
			for(ulong j = 1; j <= numVertices; j++)
				 *	We're only interested in paths that go from one location to a 
				 *	different location and not in paths that go from X to back to X.
				if(i != j)
					 *	If there's a way to get from I to K and from K to J...
					if(costMatrix[i][k] != 0 && costMatrix[k][j] != 0)
						 *	Then compute its cost and see if its smaller than the previous cost.
						ulong through_k = costMatrix[i][k] + costMatrix[k][j];
						if(through_k < costMatrix[i][j] || costMatrix[i][j] == 0)
							costMatrix[i][j] = through_k;
	for(ulong i = 1; i <= numVertices; i++)
		for(ulong j = 1; j <= numVertices; j++)
			fout << costMatrix[i][j] << " ";
		fout << "\n";
	 *	Cleanup!
	return 0;